c# is good?

Oteg [oteg]
8 years ago



In my secondary school, we learn c# for 3 years. I feel, I’m pretty good in it. The question is: why the people say things like that? “C# is not good”;“I hate c#” etc.etc. I wrote successfully malwares, brute-forcer’s, smtp dictionary-attacker and things like that. The only problem for me is, not everybody has .net framework pre-installed. What do you think about it?

8 years ago


For every language there are people who hate it and people who love it. I’d say C# is a pretty nice language, but, just as you mentioned, it requires some things. No language is the perfect language in all situations; use what is appropriate. ;)

8 years ago


I think there’s an appropriate language for each kind of work to do. If you have to build an app supposed to be working on windows systems only, C# is a good choice.

8 years ago


C# is an excellent language to learn programming in. Just know that its only useful for a specific set of things (for now at least) and tasks may be easier completed in other languages.

If you are still learning, keep to C#. Afterwards picking up others will be easy.

8 years ago


[quote=bigheks]its only useful for a specific set of things (for now at least)[/quote]
What are you referring to exactly? (And is it not the case for any language?)

Oteg [oteg]
8 years ago


They kicked me out of the school, but I keep learning c#. Thank you for your answers.
Maybe I’ll pick up Python. I tought a lot about, what language i should learn simultaneously. A lot person said, C is good for malicious activities, but when I searched for a complex code(to get a first impression), C seems un-human-friendly for me(maybe only for me :D).
The time will decide everything later. I hope.

8 years ago


c is bad, but d is bader.

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