What linux do you all prefere if i may ask?

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I personally prefere Fedora as a main OS
and Kali as a duel booted Pentest OS :)

hope to get some replies from Linux freaks now that the education i just joined almost know nothing of Linux -.-

Peace - Th3FjoNG

11 years ago


I use Windows 7 as my main operating system (company policy) and use VMWare Workstation to run my VM’s

For pentesting I used to use BackTrack, but now I use Kali as well but it depends on the type of pentest I do. I use Windows XP (VM) for my main research because I want to use older browsers to search for specific browser vulnerabilities such as Frame Spoofing etc. (again for specific pentests)

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Sounds cool!
Thanks for showing intrest :)

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Call me a noob, but I actually prefer the Windows OS.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I am using Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon along with Windows 7 as a backup.

11 years ago


There’s actually nothing wrong with Windows, I know that most people in this scene tend to think that Windows is a piece of crap but the fact is that a lot of people use it and therefor a lot of issues are found. So if that what I am saying is true, most hackers are on Windows machines! :D

I use and prefer both operating systems, depending on the task…

[deleted user]
11 years ago


To be honest, I don’t really do a lot, I’m only temporarily doing computer programming for fun.

11 years ago


i use windows os mainly , and run linux in vm box (kali and red hat) ;

Mitch [bmxtricky5]
11 years ago


i like to use backtrack 5

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I dont dislike windows actually :d
I use it for gaming and for a lot of pentesting, I just like linux because I love open source and the speed is just incredible!
I believe windows is more vulnerable exactly as you say 0xDC, because there are so many users therefore a hacker would definetly choose to develop a virus able to penetrate a lot of windows machine!
I personally just like to use Kali linux for pentesting and Windows for some pentest and of course gaming, altough wine is getting even better as for as I know :P
looking foward to get my new computer, right now I’m on 7 year old macbook, to be honest I hate Mac Os X.. it runs very well, but the policy of apple is just crap..

Awesome with all the people posting ! thanks a lot :)

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


Running latest Ubuntu as main distribution on my PC, and Lubuntu on the Netbook.
My first to use was Fedora 4.

Used the list below (not full list - but what i can remember)
1- Ubuntu all distribution since 6.06 (Kubuntu - Lubuntu - Xubunut) Included
2- Slax
3- Slackware
4- CrunchBang
5- Dreamlinux
6- Kali
7- Knoppix
8- Linux Mint
10- Damn Small Linux
11- Feather Linux
12- BackTrack
13- gOS
14- Moon OS
15- Gentoox
16- Arch Linux
17- Arch Bang
18- Fedora
19- Mandriva
20- PCLinuxOS
21- SUSE Linux
22- CentOS
23- Unity Linux
24- simpleLinux
25- VectorLinux
26- Zenwalk
27- IPCop
28- SliTaz
29- Tiny Core Linux
30- Antix
31- Puppy Linux

Those are the distributions i have the cd’s/dvd’s for, Few others i just installed from a Pen drive using unetbootin.

The ones i enjoyed setting everything to my likes and then using them are Fedora, Puppy Linux And Tiny Core Linux.
The ones i loved out of the box are Ubuntu, Mandriva & Zenwalk.
The ones that ran the best on the older PC i have (PII) are Damn small linux, PCLinuxOS (300 MB distribution that i forgot its name).

Also used FreeBSD And Solaris.

Thats About It :)

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


Gentoox <<— >> Gentoo :(

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


Common people! you use linux! at least some of you :(

maniac [VladimirVam]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


BackTracK , cuz i like the fact that most of the programs that i need are pre-installed there , so there is no much time being wasted downloading and installing them and having to face the bugs ….

11 years ago


Backtrack 5 R3. It is pretty much the ultimate hacking OS! >> http://www.backtrack-linux.org/downloads/

11 years ago


I’ve been using Manjaro Linux… Not changing any time soon, for sure :D

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I have moved back to Windows for some time.

11 years ago


I prefer Kali Linux .


Kali and Backtrack… Matriux is good too

[deleted user]
11 years ago


ADIGA thanks for such an amazing post :) !
even I havn’t tried out that many Linux distributions :)

Hope others will try some of the ones you posted!

11 years ago


I have Windows XP on my desktop and Linux Mint on my laptop. I am finally going to say good by to Microsoft in 2014 and put Mint on my desktop too. Still so much to learn about computing and linux, in my opinion, is the os to “play” with.

11 years ago


Okay, personally I have 3 computers that I switch between for different things, all with different operating systems.

Windows 8: I use it quite a lot actually. It has more support for it so I can quickly fix something that goes wrong mostly. It’s on my laptop that I take most places. I use it for pretty much everything, and I don’t really have any problems with it at all.

Linux Blackbuntu: It’s pretty much a penetration testing version of Ubuntu for the people that don’t know. It’s on my spare computer that I use quite a bit.

Mac OSX: Okay I have to say I don’t use it a lot (if at all) but I have to say it can be useful at times, I mainly use it for a program named QLab, or I use it for compiling an app or two. It’s not really all as bad as people make it out to be, just it’s not as useful as the others.


My ultimate dream setup (as far as OS goes) is having a MAC and on 2 VM’s have windows 7 and have BT5 R3.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


This forum post got very active, nice to see!
Especially all the linux users :O

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I have moved back to Linux (Ubuntu). Windows Sucks. If you are using Windows then do not use internet on it cause later on it will surely start giving you problems. More over it requires a damn antivirus and there is no Antivirus which can guarantee a 100% safety from the Virus and worms.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Exactly tlotr ;)
but there are no system that is 100% secure hehe :b

11 years ago


I like my Kali first and Ubuntu second. …and sometimes Suse

2 replies have been removed
11 years ago


Native Ubuntu 12.04 on laptop with windows 7 VM, native windows 7 on desktop

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