11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Admin: no spoilers please.

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Can you please either edit or delete your post? How many more times, don’t post answers in the forum! No one will learn anything if you give them the answer.

11 years ago


I ’ve thought that that’s the Ckracke’s job to do

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


You’re supposed to let people try to solve the levels for themselves, otherwise you just spoil everything. As someone else here once said, “hack to learn, don’t learn to hack.”

11 years ago



11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


What is wrong?

11 years ago


has everyone gone mad . don’t post answers stupids .

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Hi ffffdv,

Check the form action tag its incorrect/not complete. Hope this helps. and try to put everything in the single tag like for example

[deleted user]
11 years ago


What the hell is going on here. What part of - “DON’T POST ANSWERS” - Don’t you people understand?
If you were on hackthissite you would get a warning, then another if you continued and if you posted
answers for the third time, you would get muted and no longer be able to post on the forums. Don’t
know why that is not implemented on here.

11 years ago


I can’t find the right form, can some1 offer some hints? I have the code, but something is written wrong in it, so any1 can offer some help? i will pm him/her

11 years ago


POST the password flubergump against the i2.php, that’s all you have to do.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


So for the last bloody time, DON’T post answers!! Got it?

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


ColdDaVinci, I don’t know what your problem is, but if you look at I2, it’s saying the exact same thing. So perhaps look and properly read things before responding to a post like this.

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


For users who don’t know what the POST method is check out this website
and it might all become clear for you. It is a simple form that you need.
FORM usage!

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Okay so you had a look and we can carry on now:

[b][color=green]So you create your form and your method is POST
You need to put the correct text in place of the “?????”[/color=white][/b]

So you start here:

So what would your form method be?

After setting the action how do you get the data into the POST?
Use <input
and now we need to set the type.
Now we need to set it name. So what variable are we needing to use?
Now the value that we want to pass.
Lastly we need to define the input type.
and the name of the button we create with this.

And lastly close your form.

Now just save it to your desktop as whatevernameyouwant.html
and as long as you are connected and logged in
when you press your button all will be well.

Just hope this is not too much of a spoiler?
If it is I’m sure I will be told or the moderator will trash it! :)

11 years ago


That’s indeed one way of doing it, actually a way I used to do it….

I should rename my nick to FiddlerMan or something :) Anyway, this is what I use Fiddler for as well. You can easily create a POST/GET/TRACE/WHATEVER request with specific parameters and send this request. I solved this mission < ~30 seconds.

PS: I’m in no way affiliated to Fiddler, just so you know….

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