Hall of Fame

12 years ago


Maybe there could be a hall of fame for people that find security flaws in this website. You could use it as a learning tool as well by posting what was wrong, and then what you did to fix it. Of course no stupid DDoS attacks though!

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago


It has been a consideration but there hasn’t really been a great number of security flaws reported. There has only been a handful of XSS vulnerabilities.

12 years ago


SECURED! Thats awesome.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago


I wouldn’t go that far, as with everything there will be vulnerabilities somewhere … it is just that no one has found them, or at least not reported them.

12 years ago


There has been a couple of times when I get a db error saying the ship is going down. What causes that?

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


There is another thread discussing this problem http://www.hackthis.co.uk/forum/general-information/off-topic/168-o in a nutshell it is when there are too many users accessing the site concurrently.

12 years ago


I suppose that when the site gets bigger (as it is going to be), more and more flaws will be found no matter how secure it may be. I’m totally positive about this idea of HoF - every hacking web has one.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago


I fully agree with you @Keeper. I would also like to take this opportunity to reiterate that if anyone does find any vulnerabilities in this site that they should report them immediately to an admin or moderator.

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