I don’t know if I completely understand what is meant by “Re-number all visible ascii characters,” but the output I’ve got with the following JavaScript code seems similar to the output I’ve seen in other posts:
var str1 = (document.getElementsByTagName(‘textarea’)[0].value);
var str2=str1.split(“,”);
var strArr=[]
//Get numbers in string, push them into array
for (var x=0;x<str2.length;x++){
var y=parseInt(str2[x])
//Remove “NaN” values from array
for (var a=0;a<strArr.length;a++){
if (isNaN(strArr[a]))
OK, I took a break from this one for a while but I’m still not 100% clear. Is the code below a valid implementation of the first step? I find it kinda hard to determine what we’re supposed to do.
var str1 = (document.getElementsByTagName(‘textarea’)[0].value);
var solution = str1.split(/[\s,]+/);
for (var x=0;x<solution.length-1;x++)
you are almost on the right track, just see the encryption technique again for proper understanding, you are missing a step.
And there’s also some logical mistake in your second code
hello guys, sorry help me a little, I’m still new and I can not decode this chain, because I do not even know the principle, so if you can give me some advice
Anyone available for a private message? Just tackled this one for the first time in a looong time, I’m successfully decrypting it to intelligible English words, but it still comes up “incorrect.”
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