Need for help for the level 3

7 years ago


Hello everybody.

Sorry I am new here and I came to learn.

On the other hand I am blocked at the level 3.

Could anybody help me please?

Thank you in advance.


? [bolofecal]
7 years ago


You need know the basic of javascript for this level, you know?

7 years ago


I have already heard it spoken but no more than that.

? [bolofecal]
7 years ago
7 years ago


All right, thank you. (I would go to make a tour on this link as soon as I would have time and hold you on this subject ;))

7 years ago


Learn Javascript and read all script on this page

? [bolofecal]
7 years ago


You’re welcome. HTML CSS and javascript are the basics for learn about web.

2 replies have been removed
6 years ago


What is the answer for level 3?

6 years ago


search the source of the web page…..and learn javascript B)

5 years ago


Hi i’m new here,
can anybody help me for level tree ?
I don’t have the same page as the aid video
is it normal?


fred [feuerstein]
5 years ago


The hint video shows the concept. With that you should be able to solve it by yourself. It does not show the solution

Mr TAG [TagYourIT]
5 years ago


im having a hard time aswell trying to learn java at w3 and joined the chat above still having a pritty hard time over here…. what part of w3 do i need ? and is there i way i can see the java script of this site?

Smyler [WHGhost]
5 years ago


@TagYourIT That’s a lot of questions, but I will try to answer them all as well as I can:

[quote=TagYourIT]trying to learn java at w3[/quote]
You are probably not learning java from w3. Java != JavaScript

[quote=TagYourIT]and is there i way i can see the java script of this site?[/quote]
And this site has no java script but javascript scripts :)
These scripts can be seen in the source code, where they are included directly in a

[quote=TagYourIT]what part of w3 do i need ?[/quote]
You will need html for sure, that’s very basic. JavaScript is important to, but once you will have some experience it will become easier to read, even if you are not comfortable to write. And that’s not necessary for the first levels. You may want to look at the JavaScript levels, they will teach you a lot.
You will later have to learn PHP and SQL. In fact, the only language you really don’t have to learn is CSS, but you will need at least some knowledge about what it does and how the CSS selectors work.

So, to summarize, the languages you must know to do some real web security are, in the order you are likely to need them:
[] HTML => Client side page markup (not a programming language, only describes the structure of the page)
] JavaScript => Client side programming / scripting (can also be used on server side, but not relevant here)
[] PHP => Server side programming
] SQL => Server side Database management

HackThis!! has levels about all these languages, so you have some materials to learn with, plus the tutorials on , or really any tutorial, course, etc…
Of course, plenty of other languages (Python, Java, Ruby, C#, etc…) can be used for the web, but they are less common and you should not start with them for the web. It is still useful to know how to use one of them for other kind of work.

Languages aside, at one point you will also need to understand how the HTTP protocol works, and therefore learn a bit about networking, but again you don’t need it straight from the beginning.

Have fun!

Mr TAG [TagYourIT]
5 years ago


how do you mean im not learning java from w3 the scripts that i see over there are jave scripts right? and java script equels html or not thats a question as well :P ?. because i see you mentsion html and java and html you say a client side page markup i dont think i understand what you mean by that and not prgramming language only distribes it …. i thought html aswell as java was scripting i stil dont understand the diverense

your saying asc atribute (a source code atrubute?) what do you mean by that and is it normal that every source code is seen by this on every website or not? and browser developer tool, f12 , didn’t work …. and what can i do whith it ?

and therefore learn a bit about networking : what do you suggest ?

ps.WHGhost thanks for the response and i like your name ^^ and another question where does the WH stand for? ^^

Smyler [WHGhost]
5 years ago | edited 5 years ago


[quote=TagYourIT]how do you mean im not learning java from w3 the scripts that i see over there are jave scripts right? and java script equels html or not thats a question as well[/quote]
No, you are not learning Java. You are Learning Javascript, they are two completely different languages. For reference, here are two hello world programs in these languages:

console.log("Hello World");

public class HelloWord { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello world"); } }

As you can see, the syntax looks a bit similar, but that’s about where the similitude stop.

Of course HTML and JavaScript are two different things!
I will try and make it very simple to explain how the web languages work together:

HTML tells the browser how the page is structured: the title of the page is Foo, there is a heading containing the text bar, and then a paragraph, etc..
CSS tells the browser what the title, heading, paragraphs and others should look like, for example the color to use. Since it is mostly esthetics, you rarely need it to do security.
JavaScript tells the browser what to do when the paragraph is clicked, for example. While the first 2 are not programming languages, it is one: it is Turing complete, meaning that it can be used to implement any algorithm, which is not the case of HTML and CSS.
PHP is also a programming language, it is used to tell the server what to send to the client.
SQL is a query language, not a programming language. It is used by the server to gather the data needed by PHP to generate the page from the database.

So, when you visit a page, this is what basically what happens:
[] Your browsers asks the web server for a page.
] The web server executes the PHP script associated with the page to generate it. If additional data is needed from a database, it will request it with SQL.
[]The web server sends the newly generated HTML document of the page back to your browser
] Your browser reads the HTML and understands how the page is constructed. By doing so, it may encounter CSS or JavaScript code EMBEDDED in the HTML document. If so, it will parse it, as CSS or JavaScript.
[] Your browser displays the page by using the information it got from HTML and CSS.
] JavaScript code is executed by your browser when necessary.

So when you press CTRL+U to view the page source code, what you see is a mix of HTML, CSS and JavaScript in the form of an HTML document.

[quote=TagYourIT] and is it normal that every source code is seen by this on every website or not?[/quote]
Sorry, but I don’t understand your question.

[quote=TagYourIT] browser developer tool, f12 , didn’t work …. and what can i do whith it ?[/quote]
It is strange that F12 doesn’t work for you, what browser are you using?
Developer tools are very powerful, but it’s hard to explain you what it does if you don’t know anything about how a website works. Play with it on your side, it will teach you a lot.

[quote=TagYourIT]your saying asc atribute (a source code atrubute?) what do you mean by that? […]
and therefore learn a bit about networking : what do you suggest ?

I would suggest you start by learning the basis of HTML first, then you will understand what tag attributes are. There is no point to learn networking if you don’t know how HTML work, it is pretty much the base of the web.

[quote=TagYourIT]WHGhost thanks for the response and i like your name[/quote] You are welcome and thank you.

Please try to make less typing errors. Most of us out there does are not fluent in English and this small details make it even harder for us to understand your posts.

5 years ago


Where I can Get videos related to these levels ????

fred [feuerstein]
5 years ago


Press the hint button next to the level

Darwin [DIDIx13]
5 years ago


@Malw_re99 Why would you need videos related to these levels ?

Search by yourself for HTML, or hints in the forums. There’s more than enough of them to solve the challenge. Good luck :)

5 years ago


@DIDIx13 Thank you….I’ll try that ???

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