(Question) Best way to attack a forum?


So, I have a forum i’ve been trying to bypass and test the security, but because i am indeed a “noob” the only vulnerability i could find is that the robots.txt allows users to do multiple login attempts (Easily Fixed)

i also wish to learn about these types of forums and what breaks them etc.


Forum Origins: ipsfocus.
Database: MySQL
Forum Type: PHP

Would there be anything else i should try to find and what other attacks should i do/can i do?

P.s: The site is only locally hosted for now.

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


How have you tried to bypass the security?


By using pyrit, WebScrab, Hamster.

pyrit: password attack and database attack.

WebScrab: finding variables to change

Hamster: sniffing out cookies and using them to login. +ettercap +ferret

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
8 years ago


Have you used other scanning software ?
Also, take a look at the version of everything in your forum ( version of MySQL, PHP, plugins and so ) and take a look at Google if there are some known vulnerabilities of these versions ( CVE )

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