I have the correct password and username B…/F… However it will not let me progress when entering? What do you think I could be doing wrong?
pm me your user/pass
Done (y).
hey so is the ans B../F.. correct
Try by yourself
Yeah its not letting me either
I’ve just verified with the credentials I had in my notes. It works fine. PM me with what you’ve got
ni men shui hui jiao yi xia wo hao bu hao ?
I’m sorry but it’s an English forum, so please post in English.
I use Chinese because I don’t speak English very well. I’m sorry. In addition, I would like to know where the eighth key tricks, the source code to see for a long time can not see what it may be because I do not understand HTML
Most people here are not native english, so don’t worry about your English.
In the level 8, you need to retrieve data from a file. Have you look to the “Show Hint” box?
thank you . i get it
You’re welcome and congrats ;)
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