C69F - My new project

Hi :D !!
After a couple of months writing this program, I think is ready for releasing, and I would like it to share it with you :)
The program is a kind of command-line which you can use for creating a payload to infect and control someone else computer, or even controlling 2 or more people at the same time (Botnet).
This program only works on local networks so the victim must be connected to your Wi-Fi.
I hope you like it :)
Other important things:
I’m not responsible of the use of this program for illegal purposes.
Check the program on my github —> https://github.com/xVL00PeR/c69f
You can contact me on: anon.looper@gmail.com
Actually accepting colaborations, Here is a list of things in which I would like to improve c69f:
[] Making c69f working outside local networks
[] Creating a way for encrypting data which is send and received from the payload
[] Writing some piece of code which lets the process migrate to another.
[] Thinking of a way in which Windows users could be infected easly
[*] Creating a W0RM
Happy Hacking :)
Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi

Very nice for just building a tool by yourself :)
I’ll be looking over it for improvements and fixes ;)
There’s no place like

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi

Just had a quick look at your code, and there is a things than can be improved:
When working with files and sockets, you should close them:
def create_payload(filename, code):generates the payload.
f = open(filename, 'w')
You don’t need to add a
after each if statement.
You should have all your main code inside a main function instead of directly on the script, this would allow to execute it only when it’s called as a standalone application, and not when your script is imported as a module. Here is an example:
```#!/usr/bin/env python
def main():
print(“Called as a standalone app.”)
print(“Called if imported or executed”)
if name == “main”:
main() ```
You also have hard-coded IP addresses, which may not help to work outside your LAN, and I can’t see why it would work otherwise (or maybe you didn’t setup port-forwarding).
You could definitely have a cleaner code by following some programming methodologies (Python is good at Object Oriented Programming for example). Remember that you can always import this if you need some advises.
For your Windows implementation, have a look at py2exe: http://www.py2exe.org/.
It’s great to do your own tools, it helps to learn and understand how other tools work, but let’s face it, @Mugiwara27 is right, Metasploit > everything.
And yes it can be used on different targets at the same time, if that’s what you call a botnet.

@WHGhost did you know about the with statement? It makes sure that close is called when leaving the with block, even when an exception is raised inside the with:
with open("filename") as fp:
fp.write("Hello World!")
Oh, and yeah, praise the d!

Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi