You need to check the source code again. Check each and every java script used in the source. Hint: You can use the scratch pad in Mozilla Firefox by pressing Shift + F4 to check the java scripts used in the source.
[deleted user] 11 years ago
| edited 11 years ago
The answer is not in plain sight. You can work out the mathematics to solve the level or you can use the URL bar to execute javascript code to solve the level. The answer is not a decimal either, it’s an integer.
Look at the source code and look at what the code is doing, either use a calculator to solve it or find out how to execute javascript code that will alert something.
[deleted user] 11 years ago
| edited 11 years ago
Hi ColdDaVinci,
The answer can be a decimal too. I’ve already checked it.
And I meant the password and not the answer to the mathematics which are used in the Java Script.
I’ll share what I do when missions like this have to be solved:
Check the source code
Since it’s a javascript challenge, check what javascript function is used when submitting the password
If there’s math involved, try if you can reproduce it locally and make sure that you write the output to the screen (document.write or even an alert box will do)
Hope this helps someone!
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