I have no idea how to add another
You don’t need add other tag, the solution is more easy than that
When i change on of the names to ronald or whatever it is it stays as john or sam ect
Be careful with the capital letters
I have been and nothings working, is it because of my browser?
salut je ne sais pas comment inspecte et sa me fatigue
salut je ne sais pas comment inspecte et sa me fatigue au niveau de level 6
Hi, please post your messages in english so anyone can understand and help you. Then, don’t be tired so quickly, if you’re stuck on a thing you can google it, but in this case make a right click.
yes ok
I have no idea how to add another option please help
+kryptox1200 what we mean is that you don’t really need add another option. I’m going to give you a big hint:
you need to change the options you have
I see you had already complted the level, if you still want to know how to add another option PM me
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