i need help hacking a facebook account.

12 years ago


i know some basic stuff like the first 10 levels but i just don’t know how to hack a facebook account PLEASE HELP

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


Well I’d go on learning.. I don’t think you would really understand stuff like that when you just finished the first 10 levels.
Also I don’t think that this is so easy. But can’t help you I’m not on Facebook, I like my real life :)

12 years ago


ColdIV is right you wouldn’t really have the knowledge for that, even so your probably best looking into phishing, although FB log IP’s and if they detect your using a proxy or unrecognized ip (not one normally used) your probably be presented with security questions (whats your mothers maiden name, name the people in this picture etc) and/or captcha images.


facebook is hard to hack, with script vulnerabilities or brute force password cracking. your best bet is to set up a Phishing scam or use a website like loginthief.com where hackers sell there service, but warning they do charge per hack n they are black hats so trust could be an issue.

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zyzyx [adelaide112x]
12 years ago


@the kinghack that is bad…u waanaa be a malicious hacker stealing peoples account…thats bad..i can help u bt its bad….just go tru dis….know how ATM serials work…secondly..know how pins are generated…ie go and study matrix and determinats..in maths +

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[deleted user]
12 years ago



Just to let you all know. There is nothing illegal on this website and any members passing on illegal hacking could find themselves banned from this website. All this crap about hacking Facebook. Why? Is that so you can say to your mates “hey look at me ain’t I great?” So be warned traveling along that path could and most likely will cause you big trouble. Don’t you yet realise every time you ask the server for a header response or log on to their website you are being tracked and if the webmaster catches you. It would be far more ethical to leave stuff alone that doesn’t belong to you or you don’t have explicit permission to touch. Want to learn? Then try using the legal way.

If you just want to improve you security knowledge, there is a linux distribution called Damn Vulnerable Linux. Here’s the LINK Install it on a spare computer. It is much more ethical. You won’t be breaking any laws and you can learn just as much. Be safe - Happy Hacking the white hat way! - :):)


Hey CrashOveride99 ANONRA’s correct don’t be a dickhead mate be sensible. Learn, “yes” but be legal and be safe.

12 years ago


Don’t HACK like that It’s mean.

-.- [BooCracker1]
12 years ago


we have to know it anyway to defend ourselves


you even low than skiddies….. at least learn from this till the end… this site is very helpful you know

12 years ago


my thing is that my ex girlfriend closed my gmail account that was connected to my facebook and she also deactivated my page and i have pics that i would really love to have on my new account thats all i just want my pics so if someone could point me in the right direction that would be awesome

[deleted user]
12 years ago


Contact facebook


wow !


just report to facebook and facebook will ask for your id card :)

12 years ago


i am not going to tell you how to hack a facebook account as i would be assisting a criminal offense.
be safe.

12 years ago


@StonedNinjaLUFC humm i dont think that loginthief.com is working ive never seen working online tools

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i know but it’s illegal , so i can’t

12 years ago


fishing can work whit noobs

12 years ago


i think its correctly spelled, Phishing …
but it does work, only with people unaware of this tool, but more and more people are becoming aware.

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12 years ago


Make a fake website thru google drive and make the peoplle that visit the website to belive you and give you a pasword and email adress for example i made a google drive named it FaceBook Hack and i requested thri email/username password and then the victims link that they want to hack so they belived in it and gaved me their passwords and emails i hacked them :D


that is just another phishing with google doc :) but after 3 days or more the doc will be delete .


I give a ton of respect to the pros that know what they are doing and treating this website and it’s teachings with the proper respect it deserves. All of the noobs that don’t want to put in time and effort to learn the practice are clearly not at the moral mind set that they need to be. This site isn’t about training credit card thieves or facebook hackers. It is about learning and practicing the trade of computer interaction and security

#RS69 [Rs69]
12 years ago


easy… you have ask to owner of account facebook you want hack… hahaha.

#RS69 [Rs69]
12 years ago


and dont forget ask.. WHAT YOUR PASSWORD?? to owner account.. :-D

12 years ago


ok thanhs you

12 years ago


anybody know the meaning of phish ???

12 years ago


To extract information from a victim…
in the disguise of a trustworthy website.

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this site is becoming a hacking request site . blurr

Sunny [Sunnystunn]
12 years ago


heyy ppl whats with everyone trying to hack accounts.
cant u give the members of facebook some privacy.
this is just despicable.

Sunny [Sunnystunn]
12 years ago


by the way hunon im learning C right now.
i mean im reading a book on lerning C, after that i do finish it it what do u think i should learn?

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


C is always a good language to start, you can learn C++ after that won’t be that hard if you already know C. But it depends on what you want to do, if you want to learn Web programming then C is the wrong place to start I guess…


@EEEEE i’ve never used it properly, but i’ve tested it. they charge you once you have used the phishing service. the Target account deatils are sent but its costs to view… Phishing is the easiest way to do it i thinks :)

12 years ago


to hack a friend.. for dummies:

Invite them to your house, give them loads of liquor.
once drunk, ask them for password

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


hehehe HUNON good idea :D :D :D

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12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


About the video about “pro-webcam”:
I call fake!
Edit: And I’m sure many other would too, if they hadn’t disabled the comments on yt

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


yup agree with damage for me every hacking program on youtube with disabled comments fake or with virus


there no such thing that call as easy hacking . and wanna hack facebook , blurr only some technique can do it


yep i’d say nearly all youtube claims about HackTools are false, apart from stuff about BackTrack is helpful…. I think the idea is too get you to download, then a rootkit or exploit is planted or they have you do a long arse survey eitherway the software its self is an HOAX… oh yeah they get a few m8s to comment so other download ;)


You need to use Social Engineering to hack facebook account. I was used it and it’s work!


brute force also can , RAT , phishing and many more hahaha

Mikey * [StonedNinjaLUFC]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


what social Engineering technique did you use? I’ve attempted Phishing only with friends accounts, but unsuccessful because i think that my spoof E-mail goes straight to junk… if anybody knows how to overcome that please enlighten me :)

12 years ago


Ok guys after a lot of time i now know. I tested on my own account, i used backtrack 5 and Used those applications to help So thank you guys anyway

And retsam12345 is right i used the social engineering kit


hey ebamforbe , u can contact me !! u’re welcome

4 replies have been removed
11 years ago


Seems like we have uninvited guest here…

11 years ago


hey bro add me on facebook lets play a game :)


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The Sandman [NaeNasty]
11 years ago


if you want to learn how to hack facebook you should go smack youself but ill tell you down load a keylogger and you can just make a fake password and youll get in or you could just brute force the shit and your in you can just google all this stuff fucking idot

The Sandman [NaeNasty]
11 years ago


typeo i meant idiot

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Hacking a facebook account is easy. The method I used is fairly simple. All you got to do is create a fake login page to lure your victim into visiting. Change the form action, so that the victim’s details is inserted into your database instead of facebook’s database.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Many hackers use phising (fishing) scams to gain access to an account. If you learned PHP you could probably do it.


only reason im posting is because it was made by crash overide just wanted to say
how original you must have seen the movie hackers i guess you didnt like zerocool hahaha

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11 years ago


why everyone want to hack facebook account ? oh iknow to show off or to tease someone , get a grip chumps :P

11 years ago


Get a grip or a life chumps :)

11 years ago


you are need to use fishing page this is a simple solition

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