Idle Processor = Make money with IPUSERVICES

11 years ago


HELLO GUYS today i have a nice and big Fish in my pocket it's the idle processor Make money with Idle Processor To uderstand it very well this is the faq **To register From Here** : [IPUSERVICES]( ![Image]( FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) What is IPU Services? Idle Processing Utilization Services is a startup company that "rents" computer power from individual computer users. It then packages this processing power / IP addresses to then be "rented out" at a profit. 100% of profits are shared with all Division Account Managers. Do I have to pay for "Threads"? No - As a standard member, you never have to pay for anything - we pay you. If you wish to upgrade to a Regional or Division Account Manager, there are annual fees involved - but the income potential increases dramatically. What is the software I am downloading? Is it a virus? No, the Processor software you are downloading has two purposes; One, it advises you of your current statistics, usage, income, and processing power / payment rate on your screen as it runs. It can be minimized and you won't even know it is there. Two, it is a type of VPS (Virtual Private Server). It is no more obtrusive than a web browser, and there is NEVER ANY CONNECTION to any of your personal data or software. It is completely encapsulated, unobtrusive, and safe. Will using this degrade the performance of my computer? ABSOLUTELY NOT. As the name implies, the software is only active when the computer is otherwise idle. When you are using your computer, the Process takes a back seat and waits for idle time. This is all done automatically. I have a (Insert your 20 year old computer name here), can I install the Process on that? ![Image]( Yes you can. However, your earnings potential is directly proportional to your available computer power - Computer power is calculated using factors such as processor type, RAM, GPU (if any), connection speed, and % of time online. May I install the Process on more than one computer? Of course - you can install the Process on as many different computers as you want. DO NOT, however, install multiple instances on one machine (VirtualBox, Sanboxie, etc.) We will know, you will get caught, and your account will be cancelled and your IP will be banned. Rules are very simple - "One Computer, One Install" Where can I find out how I can be banned? Is there an appeal process? We will not be posting a page with every possible scenario. If you do anything for the purpose of increasing your income without actually adding a new computer to the mix, it is probably a bad idea. You know when you are cheating. So will we. But XYZ Company pays $1 a day for my (Insert your 20 year old computer name here) They won't for long. There is no process, legal or otherwise, that makes a Windows XP box with 512k ram worth $1 a day. But, deep down, you already knew this. Are you associated with XYZ Company that pays $1/day for anything that plugs into the wall, including toasters? NO. Absolutely NO. In fact, we are horrified and ashamed to be thought of as the same type of company. We are completely the opposite, as we are legitimate. Ah - I figured it out - You BTC / LiteCoin Mine! Ugh, no. Mining on a CPU network is a waste of electricity. Quite soon, GPUs will be worthless to mine on as well. Mining is not even of the most remote interest to us. So what DOES IPU Services do on my computer? NOTHING. IPU Services runs nothing on you computer for ourselves. The customers that purchase computer/processor time run anything they want, as long as it is legal and in the shell of our Processor - and only when you are not using the computer. Do you really show your financial statements? Absolutely Yes! We strongly believe our slogan - "Authenticity and Accountability thru Transparancy". You are trusting us, so we share everything with you. There will never be a question on where the money is coming from or where it is going. How do I get Paid? You can be paid with PayPal, Payza, EgoPay, AlertPay,GreenDot MoneyPak, Western Union, Check or Money Order. All fees associated with the payment method you choose are borne by you. The Minimum Payout is $50USD $50?!? Why such a high minimum payout? Think about it - with, say, 200,000 participants and a minimum payout of a buck, 90% of our time would be spent coordinating payments to our members. It is a poor business model. Plus, a larger minimum payout fosters a longer-term commitment to the project. We purchase and sell computer power, we are not a payment processor. With a $50 minimum draw out, how many days will it take me to reach $50? That is totally dependant on the computer power of the machine that the Process is installed on, but we anticipate anywhere from 12 days to never. SECOND : FOR THE PAYMENTS PROOF FROM THE FORUMS SITE : THIRD :BETA Release OF THE PROGRAM USED on 9/1/2013 AND THOSE WHO MADE THEIR PAYMENTS PROOF WERE THE FIRST 1000 REGISTRED sO DONT sPEND ELECTRICITY FOR NOTHING THIS IS THE BEST THING TO HAVE NOTHING TO LOOSE **To register From Here** : [IPUSERVICES]( THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION ANY PROBLEMS POST HERE

11 years ago


I’d say… SPAM!

11 years ago


It seems like a good idea though…

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


If you are going to do anything with your computers idle processing power it should be:


11 years ago


I didn’t know about this, but I think this is great Rabbit! Unfortunately I have some experience with one of the described diseases and if this is a way to participate in helping…… Again, thanks! (=

11 years ago


this is not a spam but a society that sell energy and it is launching in this sunday their program will be available and you will have the costs of your electricity and your hardware too please enter the site and the forum for more explanations and payments proofs it’s for helping gaining more money and paying some tricks without hard work. thanks

11 years ago


No thanks, I rather help out people that actually need processor power in order to find ways to treat specific diseases.

11 years ago



thanks for your attention and work

me too i’m helping people ganing some money to help buying stuffs in the internet have a nice day

maniac [VladimirVam]
11 years ago


sounds like a good idea tho. .

11 years ago


Hello VladimirVam it’s a good fish at this time it’s very important and it’s not making any damage or problems for any one just start earning and have some money in the bank thanks

and the program will be launched today so don’t miss it

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