
Help Stanford University scientists studying Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, and many cancers by simply running a piece of software on your computer.
The problems we are trying to solve require so many calculations, we ask people to donate their unused computer power to crunch some of the numbers.
Want to join a team? Join our small team at 223679
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”
downloaded, installed and joined the team :)
ill as my managers if i could run it on some of our servers too if that is ok with them …. 30+ servers with high specs can help a bit i think :)
I Hate Signatures.
I Hate Signatures.
I Hate Signatures.

That is awesome :) I’m sure there are lots of people on this site who would be interested in joining us
11 years ago
Okay guys Joined the Folding@home Team set at Full. I only have a six core CPU at the moment but should be enough as the program is only 32 bit and my machine is 64. I see intel is bringing out the 8 core CPU(s) with hyper-threading enabled, therefore, boasting no less that 16 execution threads for the 8 core chips in the second half of 2014. They say the Haswell-E will be Intel’s last and best offering using the 22 nm fabrication process. Can’t wait! :)
ANONRA, from what you wrote i discovered i have not read any hardware related news for a very long time :(
I Hate Signatures.
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

I used to be on a similar project for creating a 3D simulation of the universe , i am downloading this one now seeing as i have cpu that is wasting away when i am at work :)
—[ im going off the rails on a crazy train ]—
If anyone else is wondering why their GPU isn’t working (like I was) here’s why: you need to set the calculation speed to max.

I’m sure there are lots of people on this site who would be interested in joining us
After a good few months of no activity (last WU 2013-05-28) , I’m finally in a position to start folding again, and this time with more power.
I was pleasantly surprised to find @ADIGA and ANONRA contributing to the team. And @flabbyrabbit continuing to process work units, well done.
I’ll be running on two (more to come), i7 CPU 870 @ 2.93GHz and a Xeon CPU E5-1620 0 @ 3.60GHz, these will be running 24/7.
I’ve access to a lab full of machines, and will be bringing them online over the next month or so.
Lets try and get some more users going, @flabbyrabbit, maybe some form a medal to uses who contribute for over 6months, or some form of incentive?
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679
I Hate Signatures.
Please do, I’ve been running three machines for over a week now, and we’re slowly gaining higher in the ranks.
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679
it seems that the linux client does not support gpu :(, even though mine is not that good, but it sure can do 10 times better than the cpu.
I Hate Signatures.

My PC actually seems to be too bad to run this. I don’t get any progress…
Probably will try again as soon as I get my new PC.
What hardware do you have? It takes a while to get started, and every little bit helps, you should see how long flabby’s computer takes :P
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679

Okay, I don’t know if I’ve set it up wrong but both computers aren’t making any progress and I also don’t seem to show up when I look at the team stuff either. I think I’ve either set it up wrong or my computers probably aren’t good enough to run this.
the upadate will take some time, besides its really slow, even on somewhat good computers.
guys i found a way to activate the GPU with the latest version of it (on linux).
if you have a GPU that has all the dirvers yet did not know how to use it or you are getting an error message about no jobs on server or something like that just drop me a note.
I Hate Signatures.

I Hate Signatures.

Well done, you’ve competed your first Work Unit.
You can track more detailed stats at kakaostats
Keep it up!! :)
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679
for some reason i can not pin point, when ever i run CPU slot the computer restarts, currently working on GPU only :(
I Hate Signatures.
Argh, I’ve lost a few days of processing time on my good machine, looks like they had blocked the F@H client from connecting to the server, so I was unable to upload my results.
I’ve fixed this by throwing it through Privoxy and Tor, bit annoying though.
@ADIGA What level of power were you running it on? Sometimes I set mine to Idle or light. But be careful when changing it as some work units might fail if the processing level is changed whilst they are running.
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679
was running it on high and running the gpu only, could not run on cpu, when ever i set it to high the computer reboots.
kept it that way for around a week then the BIOS got fucked up and now can not run anything other than firefox and calculator :(
still working on it, this CMOS jumper thingy is a pain in the ass to get the right software installed on it.
should be able to run things smoothly with in the next few days … after i buy me another 3 power supplies :(
my current can not push the gpu to its limits and a 1000W power supply will be around 200-250$
so ill just by me 3 300W each for 30$ and find a way to run them all together and find a case to fit them in …
I Hate Signatures.
@ADIGA, that’s some bad news. I hope you get it fixed up soon.
@ANONRA @Nighttshad3 @wally - Hey were did you guys go, we had a nice little team going on for a few weeks. We were crunching some numbers.
I’ve lost my main machine due to a restart and not being able to get to it, very annoying.
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679

Whaaaa…this is one old post. How come i’ve never seen it before?
Anyway, joining the team, despite my poorly “underdeveloped” laptop…It might as well work while i’m not working too :)
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !
@Fireshard That’s good news, every little helps
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679

@VoidSignal - Well Done, you’ve completed some work units!! You’ve showed up on our stats, so consider this an official welcome :)
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679

11 years ago
I’ve joined the team as well.
@tlotr - Thank you to you as well.
Also welcome to @Fireshard and @Statey who have also just completed a few :)
Remember guys you can check your stats here, and can see what position you’re in. Thanks to you guys we have beaten our previous high score for a day!!
Now that we have more members we can compete, make sure to keep your machine online and keep your position!
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679

Unfortunately I can’t keep my machine online at night. It’s noisy as hell when using it at full capacity…
Can’t wait to buy a new one…
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago

I need to get my machine back online or better still build a new one … yes that seems like a better idea!!
I used to do this on my PS3 but then it broke and I forgot about it. I’ve downloaded it again now :) Definitely worth doing.
I would love to change the world, but they won’t give me the source code.
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
Hey Flabbyrabbit, Better to build a new one. I too am thinking of a new rig. Have been looking at the new 5Ghz 8 core chips by AMD.
There is a AMD FX-8350 Vishera 8 Core 4.0GHz | Asus M5A78L-M LX V2 | 4GB DDR3 BUNDLE on EBAY at 251.95
Item specifics
A brand-new, unused, unopened and undamaged item in original retail packaging
Motherboard Brand:ASUS
CPU Series: Vishera
Form Factor: microATX
CPU Clock Speed:4000
Memory Type:4GB DDR3
There are some real cheap bundles on there flabby. Or there are some good ones at thay have a AMD FX-8 9370 Black Edition 8 Core AM3+ 4.7GHz Max Turbo OEM Processor. 177.71 inc. VAT - that’s the chip I am thinking of basing my next rig on.
Just need to get round the wife now as I will also need the motherboard, DDR3 RAM 8Gb and a nice Graphics card but a bit spoilt for choice on that one. My machine is getting a little tired as it is two years old next month.
Here’s its spec:
OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description Ubuntu
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name JIMMY-PC
System Manufacturer My own Build
System Model AMD FX™-6100 Six-Core Processor
System Type x64-based PC
Processor AMD FX™-6100 Six-Core Processor, 3300 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. P1.30, 31/01/2012
SMBIOS Version 2.6
Windows Directory C:\Windows
System Directory C:\Windows\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume2
Locale United Kingdom
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = “6.1.7601.17514”
User Name Jimmy-PC\Jimmy
Time Zone GMT Standard Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 7.98 GB
Available Physical Memory 3.76 GB
Total Virtual Memory 26.0 GB
Available Virtual Memory 21.3 GB
Page File Space 18.0 GB
Page File D:\pagefile.sys
Graphics Card Name AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series
PNP Device ID PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_6819&SUBSYS_E218174B&REV_00\4&F1D09F1&0&0010
Adapter Type AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x6819), Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. compatible Adapter Description AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series
Adapter RAM (2,147,483,648) bytes
Installed Drivers aticfx64.dll,aticfx64.dll,aticfx64.dll,aticfx32,aticfx32,aticfx32,atiumd64.dll,atidxx64.dll,atidxx64.dll,atiumdag,atidxx32,atidxx32,atiumdva,atiumd6a.cap,atitmm64.dll
Driver Version
INF File oem38.inf (ati2mtag_R575B section)
Color Planes Not Available
Color Table Entries 4294967296
Resolution 1024 x 768 x 60 hertz
Bits/Pixel 32
Memory Address 0xC0000000-0xFFFFFFFF
Memory Address 0xFEA00000-0xFEAFFFFF
I/O Port 0x0000E000-0x0000EFFF
IRQ Channel IRQ 4294967293
I/O Port 0x000003B0-0x000003BB
I/O Port 0x000003C0-0x000003DF
Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF
Driver c:\windows\system32\drivers\atikmpag.sys (, 611.50 KB (626,176 bytes), 06/12/2013 20:21)
Description Disk drive
Manufacturer (Standard disk drives)
Model Hitachi HDS5C3020ALA632 ATA Device
Size 1.82 TB (2,000,396,321,280 bytes)
Description Disk drive
Manufacturer (Standard disk drives)
Model SAMSUNG HD753LJ ATA Device
Size 698.64 GB (750,153,761,280 bytes)
Description Disk drive
Manufacturer (Standard disk drives)
Model WDC WD10EZRX-00A8LB0 ATA Device
Size 931.51 GB (1,000,202,273,280 bytes)
Description Disk drive
Manufacturer (Standard disk drives)
Model Generic Storage Device USB Device
Size 1Tb
Description Disk drive
Manufacturer (Standard disk drives)
Model Maxtor 6 E040L0 USB Device
Size 1 Tb
Description Disk drive
Manufacturer (Standard disk drives)
Model SAMSUNG HD250HJ USB Device
Size 232.88 GB (250,056,737,280 bytes)
Description Disk drive
Manufacturer (Standard disk drives)
Model Seagate Expansion Desk USB Device
Size 2.73 TB (3,000,582,144,000 bytes)
Description Disk drive
Manufacturer (Standard disk drives)
Model ST1000DL 002-9TT153 USB Device
Size 931.51 GB (1,000,202,273,280 bytes)
It has 8Gb RAM too. Will get it onto ebay or Preloved and see what I can get for it before upgrading. Hell I am rabbiting on again, sorry. Okay time for bed. Night all. :)
@flabbyrabbit you need to build a new computer within the week before ANONRA overtakes you :D
Over the past week we have had a quite a few members join, we are doing well, see the image below, but like ANONRA said we still need more power.
(Edit - removed graph, hot-linking :( you can see it here)
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679

Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
Hello all you computer whiz’s. Like Osaka said we need more of your computer spare time on our Foulding@Home group it costs you exactly nothing and you could help, even in a small way to save lives or at least make their last days a lot more comfortable.
We want more on our small team. There are thousands of you out there that use this site for your entertainment and it costs you nothing. We have only 12 members so far : Osaka - port_22 - flabbyrabbit - Adiga - VoidSignal - Nighttshad3 - CygnusH33L - Wally - tlotr - Statey - Fireshard And little old me ANONRA.
My machine is set to FULL and I see no change to what I am using my machine for. In fact, this machine I have right now is not only running the Folding@Home software, it is also running my Home CCTV equipment and 4 cameras. Downloading movies, watching movies at night in bed, accessing the internet and much, much more. So if my machine can do it I’m sure you wouldn’t miss a little CPU Speed it would take to run the Foulding@ Home software. Even as you sleep. I’m sure if you needed your parents permission to leave your machine running they would agree and say yes. So come check us out HERE @ our 223679 team Or the main website MAIN SITE HERE
Hi ANONRA, Sorry not been on much but I’ll connect up with the Foulding@Home and help a little but my machine is only a small cheap laptop and it gets a bit hot after being on too much. But I will do my best. All in a good cause. Bye for now! :)
Okay all done, up and running. Don’t know how long it will take for this first task but I’m having my tea and so I’ll leave it on full. Joined team 223679 but not showing on there as yet. Later bye!!

@Osaka I am running Windows XP SP 3. No errors are showing up, but what concerns me is that there is no visible progress. It says it’s running and consumes some CPU, but other things such as the progress bar don’t change. Perhaps I am rushing it a bit and should give it some time, but I’ll find out when I get back home.
Hey Elhitch, use the advanced control in the FAH Control. You will see the status and progress on there. Give it time and the progress will change and how much it changes is dictated by the Folding Power you select. Okay? :)

@Trinity I’ve already done that, lass. I let it work at Medium (or full, not sure) speed for about half an hour, not any progress at all shown neither by the Advanced or Web control. I am really doubting it’s actually doing anything.
Hi Eljitch, I only have a small toshiba Portege R500 and its not very fast but it does it in the end but I had to leave it on all night too. I must get a faster machine. I’ll have to phone ANONRA as he built one for my Brother and it’s well quick. Just need to get the pennies saved for it though.

and please, read this thread, we need your help ! [float=right] – – – >[/float]

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
Thanks Wallace and lucki58300 for joining the 223679 Folding@home Team but we need more of you guys to come join us. We only have 13 members and that’s not a good number so come on let’s have some more of your spare computing time. Trinity only has a small Toshiba Portege R500 that runs at 1.33GHz. It only has 2GB of memory and like Trinity says “its not very fast” but she is letting her wee machine run. Using its spare time for the 223679 Folding@home Team. :)
P.S. Hey Trinity, Your wee laptop has a fingerprint scanner built into the palm rest does it not? Nice and light wee machine as well!

ANONRA, we are more than 13 in the team. In the stats , I don’t see my name in the team. So we are 14 at least. But I don’t know why I don’t appear in the team ( in my “identity”, I wrote 223679 in the square “ Team # ” )
and please, read this thread, we need your help ! [float=right] – – – >[/float]

and please, read this thread, we need your help ! [float=right] – – – >[/float]

@lucki58300 The reason is that you probably didn’t solve a whole work unit(WUs) yet. That can take from a few hours to several days (my last completed module took over a week, actually). Don’t lose heart and keep doing it ;)
@kamzhik It doesn’t really matter. It will just take longer for you to complete work, but you will be helping :) And that’s what matters, after all, is it not? :)
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
Correct you haven’t completed a work unit yet. You’ll get there in the end mate! lol :)
Hey kamzhik, like lucki58300 said, “ It doesn’t really matter. It will just take longer for you to complete a work unit, that’s all and all you need do is leave your machine on overnight when you are not using it and set it to full and when you are using it turn it down a bit. Trinity’s is only a small machine and so far she has only done 1 unit but at least she is contributing. So don’t worry if your machine is a little slow, everything helps. Okay mate?

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago

I should really get my computer up and running again for this. Haven’t fixed the computer I was running it on yet. Hopefully I’ll be back up tomorrow sometime :)
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago

Well i can’t be a part due to my internet ’s on and off situation. But that’s a great achievement. Congratulations team Macak.
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago
Team Macak, 44 Lakhs.
@IAmDevil You don’t need a constant internet connection, it will connect to the internet once, get the instructions then once it has completed upload its results.
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679

Guys, I’m sorry I stopped folding, but my battery was ruined. Now my laptop turns off at 60% when not plugged in. I knew my laptop was a piece of crap, but not this much. I have to get a new one though.
@kamzhik - That’s not good.
Does your laptop work with just the power cord in, If I leave my laptop on I like to remove the battery and just run it from the mains.
What laptop are you thinking to get, or maybe you could get a replacement battery pack from ebay or something.
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago
Modern laptop batteries are Lithium ION and are NOT affected by constant charging and recharging. Although they do wear out just like any battery. Also modern laptops have special circuit that prevents overcharging.
You can have your laptop plugged into power and use it just like the desk top without a battery installed with NO problems. Some times this too will help your battery, as too much heat can also reduce your batteries life span, I would like to say, that if you only run the laptop without a battery, possibly consider selling it and getting a desktop - you could probably get something a lot more powerful for the same money!

A little bit off topic, but I wish to thank @ANONRA for the info. I was worried to keep my new (and first) lap top constantly plugged in, but now I feel quite comfortable with that. II’ll try running folding@home as soon as I establish an internet connection.
10 years ago
Hey guys you are welcome, just glad I could shed some light on the use or non use of a laptop battery.
Happy Hackin' :)
10 years ago
I won’t be able to use FAH for couple of weeks.

@dfalcon follow the instructions on our team number is 223679
We look forward to you joining :)
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679

What do you mean won’t accept? What’s the error message?
It should be straight forward install, check the folding at home FAQ
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago
@dfalcon : Are you using Windows or Linux?
PS: I’m back.

10 years ago
It’s a .exe file so I don’t think it will work on a Mac. You will have to google it and find a way to install .exe files on Mac if it is even possible.

F@H works natively on Mac, just download the right file to start with. There is a guide for OSX here

Hmm I’ve not tried it yet, but i think the work load increases as you complete the given target! Like the second processing units are greater that the first one! I may be totally wrong here. :p
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
I’ve just started folding again, I restored my laptop the other week and forgot to set this back up - thought my laptop was quiet :P
I would love to change the world, but they won’t give me the source code.

[justify]The largest computer problem sits between the keyboard and the back of the chair.
i joined the team and i am now folding :) only using my backup laptop im penny less at the moment so running it on my toshiba sattelite p200-1ee processor: intel core 2 duo cpu t5750 @ 2.00GHz 2.00GHz
ram: 6.00GB (5.00GB usable)
that flabby is one sexy piece of equiptment im after the alienware 17 processor: 4th Generation Intel Core i7-4910MQ processor (Quad Core, 8MB Cache, Overclocked up to 4.1GHz)
video card:AMD Radeon R9 M290X with 4GB GDDR5
ram:16GB DDR3L at 1600MHz (2 x 8G)
External Chassis Connections
(1x) Power/DC-in Jack
(1x) RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet IPv6 (3x) SuperSpeed USB 3.0 Ports
(1x) SuperSpeed USB 3.0 Port with PowerShare Technology
(1x) Mini-Display Port
(1x) HDMI 1.4 Output / 1.3 Input
(1x) 7-in-1 Media Card Reader
(2x) Audio Out 1/8" Ports (One compatible with inline mic headset)
(1x) Line In Microphone 1/8" Port (retaskable for 5.1 analog audio output)
(1x) Kensington Security Lock port (cable and lock sold separately)
Exterior Chassis Materials
Anodized Aluminum
Magnesium Alloy
4-Zone, multi-color RGB, keyboard with AlienFX lighting controls and numeric keypad
4 user-programmable keys providing up to 4 distinct functions per application or game
Memory Slots
4x 204-Pin DDR3L SO-DIMM SDRAM Slots
Alienware Command Center
AlienAdrenaline w/ Accelerator
Alienware TactX
Backlit button image sensor trackpad with all-points addressable (APA)

Hey welcome new people, glad to see you :)
Due to PAT testing and power outages, three of my machines went offline for 3-4 days and one for a day. So as you can see below, not healthy for my stats. :D
I took this chance to do some much needed updates, and they should all be back up and running in no time. Though the nice fast SSD, pictured in the bottom right, does have some issues.
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679
This is what folding is about XKCD style :D
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679

I wonder if you could fold on Intel’s Xeon Phi.
They are down from $1695 to $185 (crazy) - I want one just to have one.

Hack the hackers before hackers hack you!

Is the team dead?
This stats page says last contributions were in late August.
Anyhow, joined the team with a few lab computers. I think a Xeon (and a weak GPU) and 3 i7s.

Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679