
7 years ago


Hi, welcome to the hackthis-ctf thread, as there’s no money for paying a domain and having a website xD.

On this thread all information about upcoming CTF’s will be published as well as the way for registering to the challenges, how to join the team etc..

1.- Where do we play the Challenges?:
**On https://ctftime.org**

2.- How can I join the team?:
[] 1.- Browse to your profile: https://ctftime.org/profile
] 2.- Scroll-down to the Join Existing Team input
[] 3.- Paste this code: HackThis:1dMLwJ:Zp3CtvFVdt_Sw3QqVspYwoxa1EU
Note: The code above will be valid for 7 days, I’ll try to edit this post every time it gets invalid, but if I forgot follow this instructions:
] 1.- Browse to your profile: https://ctftime.org/profile
[] 2.- Scroll-down to the Join Existing Team input
] 3.- Write the name of the team: HackThis (You will have to wait to be accepted, you can publish a post so that I know you sent it!)

3.- If I wanna participate on a Challenge, what do I need to do?:
Having joined to the team is not enough for participating on a challenge, for doing this you have to follow the following instructions
[] Be aware of the upcoming challenges, which will be posted on this thread, as well as on: https://ctftime.org/event/list/upcoming
] When a challenge is selected, go to the webpage of the challenge (expecified on ctftime.org and on the thread), register, and join the team
The way for registering may variate depending on the challenge, specifications will be said on the thread

4.- How can I communicate with the team?:
[] Browse to https://www.hackthis.co.uk/irc
] Where it says: #hackthis change it to hackthis-ctf
[*] Click on connect

5.- Do I need to have skills for joining?:
[b]Absolutely none, but if you haven’t played any CTF/Wargames before, this may be hard for you
But I must say that the aim of the team is to learn so doesn’t matter the skills![/b]

7 years ago


Of course if you have any other question, suggestion, etc; you can ask it in this thread or you can PM me :)

7 years ago


Actually we are playing the Google CTF 2017.
The CTF has already started but you have still 25h.

For registering, you must visit: https://capturetheflag.withgoogle.com/

Fill the user, email, or whatever it says, select join an existing team and paste the team invite code, which is: 2c3dbcefbedb4939

Good Luck!!

Darwin [DIDIx13]
7 years ago


Enjoy the CTF everybody, Google CTF 2017 is our first Capture The Flag, so good luck !

7 years ago


The GoogleCTF Has Finished!!!

Check here the solutions and the write-ups of the challenges!!!: https://ctftime.org/event/455

7 years ago


Hello guys!!!

Next CTF will be Trend Micro CTF 2017
You can check the Trend Micro’s web at: https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/business.html
And their CTF at: https://ctf.trendmicro.com/

For registering you must browse to: https://ctf.trendmicro.com/member/registration
Here, just fill the inputs with your data.

You should need this for registering:
Team Name: Hackthis
Team ID: 0057696978

And last but not least, just remember you that anybody can play doesn’t matter the skills and that for communicating with the team, you can connect to the IRC:
irc.macak.co.uk (SSL)
port: 6697

Note: That weird thing (irc.macak.co.uk) which seems to be a URL, is an IRC server, if you don’t know how to connect, you can pm me, but if you don’t know such a extremely basic thing, maybe you shouldn’t even try to play a CTF xD.
Maybe you can start by completing the first challenges of this site and maybe a couple of “chapters” of overthewire.org

7 years ago


The CTF has already started!!!

Remember registrating with the team name: Hackthis and with the team id: 0057696978
Then you need to login in: https://ctf.trendmicro.com/member/login

Darwin [DIDIx13]
7 years ago


Anyone up to do other CTF ? Let us now if you are op to do them and don’t forget to join our CTFtime Team.

For joining you have to register in CTFtime, then go to ctftime.org/profile, scroll down to where it says Join existing team and paste this:

7 years ago


Well up for some CTFs. Can anyone join the hackthis team?

Micr0n [micr0n]
7 years ago


Are there any current CTF up?

Darwin [DIDIx13]
7 years ago | edited 7 years ago



Yes of course this is not a professional team, we are here to learn and have fun.

CTF is a great way to test yourself on true competition and you can display a team !


Sure here they are !

If you wanna participate, tell us here and use CTF time ( Go on one of the CTF upcoming and use the “We will participate” button )

I’m still here if needed !


Signed up, hope I can be of some use. Just started getting into this ctf thing but didn’t do a lot yet, only a few vm’s from vulnhub

Darwin [DIDIx13]
7 years ago


I’m using VMware but I still a beginner in all this CTF stuff too ^^


I just signed the team up for SEC-T CTF 13-15 september. I’ll be on irc when I am working on it, should any of yiou want to join in

Darwin [DIDIx13]
7 years ago


I will participate too

Darwin [DIDIx13]
7 years ago


Did you already create an account on https://sect.ctf.rocks/ ?


No they say registration opens the day before the ctf starts

Darwin [DIDIx13]
7 years ago


Yep so we will set the pw on the irc I think ? So we can all join (by all I mean more then me hope)


yeah we’ll do that


Can anybody explain what ctf (I assume its capture the flag) is and what you guys do in a ctf tournament? I am very keen to join but more importantly learn. If somebody could explain what you do in a ctf tournament and what I can do to train/practice/prepare for one I’d highly appreciate it! I would be keen to join and contribute however an understanding beforehand would help me decide if it is really something I’d be keen to join.
Regards Cpt_Underpants


Yo could start with the challenges here. Then maybe install a vm with Kali linux and try some ctf (capture the flag indeed, you guessed correct) vm’s from vulnhub.com. Watch some youtube videos on metasploit, enumeration , and more of those topics. Best way to learn is to try

f0rk [HackingGuy]
7 years ago


Root-me also hosts VMs for ctf live from a remote location, which I love. Check them out:


They also have a TON of great challenges.


True, some of them are actually the same as the vm’s that can be downloaded from vulnhub.com
Also nice challenges on that site

SIGKILL [r4v463]
7 years ago


Thumbs up for root-me, that’s really the most complete hacking website that I know (in terms of challenges).


Signed us up for the SEC-T CTF. Details are in the irc chanel

6 years ago


Hey guys! are we gonna participate in any upcoming event?

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago


No cool upcoming CTF incoming https://ctftime.org/calendar/

But there’s picoCTF running right now !

6 years ago


Ok!! if you wanna play im in!

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago


If you see a cool CTF incoming tell us too!

5 years ago


i already register for the team… could someone guide to to join as a team for any ctf ? i would love to learn as many i can

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