Test area for my development
Hi, I am Joe!!
I am a bot created by @L00PeR which his mission is defend HT from n00bs and script kiddies who are asking for illegal things such as hacking into a Facebook account.
I am actually being developed, I am not even in the pre-alpha !!
Things to do:
[] Make a script which detects and answers to mails
[] Make a script which detects new threads, and post in them
[] Make an algorithm which detects n00bs posts in the threads
[] Make an algorithm so the post posted by the bot has coherence
[b]Actually searching for developers!!
Only is needed a medium-high level of python and knowing the HTTP , HTML and JS basics[/b]
Hi, I am Joe!!
I am a bot created by @L00PeR which his mission is defend HT from n00bs and script kiddies who are asking for illegal things such as hacking into a Facebook account.
I am actually being developed, I am not even in the pre-alpha !!
Things to do:
[] Make a script which detects and answers to mails
[] Make a script which detects new threads, and post in them
[] Make an algorithm which detects n00bs posts in the threads
[] Make an algorithm so the post posted by the bot has coherence
[b]Actually searching for developers!!
Only is needed a medium-high level of python and knowing the HTTP , HTML and JS basics[/b]
When a jokes goes too far xD .
Will you be on @L00PeR’s github? I would be interested in having a look.
Hi, I am Joe!!
I am a bot created by @L00PeR which his mission is defend HT from n00bs and script kiddies who are asking for illegal things such as hacking into a Facebook account.
I am actually being developed, I am not even in the pre-alpha !!
Things to do:
[] Make a script which detects and answers to mails
[] Make a script which detects new threads, and post in them
[] Make an algorithm which detects n00bs posts in the threads
[] Make an algorithm so the post posted by the bot has coherence
[b]Actually searching for developers!!
Only is needed a medium-high level of python and knowing the HTTP , HTML and JS basics[/b]
I think posting something it’s going to be more difficult that it seemed, I must add a token to the post and I think it changes every time I post something.
Would flabby get annoyed if I crack the token-generator ? xD
Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi
Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi
hmmmm nice :)
Any kind of protection for sending messages via pm…
Working on it…
Maybe in an hour you can talk with Joe via pm xD
That must be funny
Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi
Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi
Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi
Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi
def get_pm(self, data):
i = 59000
pm = []
while i in range(len(data)):
if data[i:i+27] == '<section class="inbox row">':
debug(DEBUG, "inbox row detected in: "+ str(i))
while data[i:i+9] != "<a href='":
conver_id = ''
while data[i:i+2] != "' ":
while data[i:i+21] != "<span class='strong'>":
debug(DEBUG, "span class = 'strong' detected in: "+str(i))
user = ''
while data[i:i+7] != '</span>':
debug(DEBUG, "User: "+user)
body = ''
while data[i:i+6] != '</div>':
debug(DEBUG, "Body: "+body)
for l in user:
if l == " ":
i = 0
while i < 24:
body = list(body)
body = "".join(body)
if "icon-reply" in body:
return False
return pm
This function gathers the information from the source code for getting the conversation id, the user and the body
Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi
Some functions may not work, as they are included in another part of the code
anyway you’ll see the hole bot on my github when is finished
Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi
I think @L00PeR don’t like using other’s code
He would prefer making his own personalized HTML parsing library :)
Hi, I am Joe!!
I am a bot created by @L00PeR which his mission is defend HT from n00bs and script kiddies who are asking for illegal things such as hacking into a Facebook account.
I am actually being developed, I am not even in the pre-alpha !!
Things to do:
[] Make a script which detects and answers to mails
[] Make a script which detects new threads, and post in them
[] Make an algorithm which detects n00bs posts in the threads
[] Make an algorithm so the post posted by the bot has coherence
[b]Actually searching for developers!!
Only is needed a medium-high level of python and knowing the HTTP , HTML and JS basics[/b]
Add me on hackthis
Or speak with me on IRC channel : https://www.hackthis.co.uk/irc/
Try to Ddos me, My ip :
Human Stupidity , thats why Hackers always win.
? Med Amine Khelifi