I Hate Signatures.
11 years ago
I love BT5 R3.

I use backtrack to get onto oldschool internet networks that are still dumb enough to use a WEP password
Backtrack is extremely useful and helpful, i would consider it a hackers distro.
Backtrack was to help with the need for penetration testing for pen-testers and now it is being used to train and teach people how to detect intrusions and to ultimately bypass security protocols.
Learn to use Backtrack and become one with it, than branch from it and make your own tools or try to upgrade backtrack yourself.
Reserve engineering is cool also.
They are trying to control you, open your eyes and don’t let them.
While BackTrack is a nice Linux distribution for pentester, I would recommend Kali Linux ( this is a more updated version compared to BackTrack.
11 years ago
Hi 0xDC,
Kali Linux really sucks. I didn’t like it. BT is much better than Kali Linux.

Hack to learn - Don’t learn to hack!!!

backtrack is a pen testing os that can be run virtual or become a parallel boot of a live disc. It comes with a huge array of tools and can be used for testing how secure servers and networks are but their is a lot more that can be done with backtrack, such as physhing and VOIP freaking. it is linux based.

backtrack is a pen testing os that can be run virtual or become a parallel boot of a live disc. It comes with a huge array of tools and can be used for testing how secure servers and networks are but their is a lot more that can be done with backtrack, such as physhing and VOIP freaking. it is linux based.

zLKidda said is correct - penetration testing distribution of Linux based on Ubuntu. The newest release is Linux Kali basically it’s Backtrack revamped.

i never said it wasn’t linux based, in fact, i said it was debian based (follow the arrows: debian>ubuntu>backtrack 5) where as kali is (follow the arrows: debian>kali) where as still yet again being a good pentesting tool when working on say, your own site, it should not be relied on as a serious hacking tool of any sort. as with anything automatically done, there are flaws that are not seen in security. which is why i prefer telling newkids to start from linux mint, have them learn how to use terminal, and them from there, have them use arch linux till they decide to keep moving up. (again, follow arrows: debian>ubuntu>linux mint)

Hack to learn - Don’t learn to hack!!!

First of all, I advise you to search for information about backtrack (as the title of the thread, yes !). It’s a good starting point.