I successfully injected my script but request from admin is not coming in, I waited for at least 10 minutes. I get request for my cookie. Is something broken even though it says its online?
PM me your injection. Maybe it’s something the not doesn’t know about.
I pm’d you
Tried multiple iterations but still nothing, I think there could be something wrong with level?
As far as I know the challenge is currently broken. So nothing to do except harass @flabbyrabbit**.
Is the level still broken? I neither get the request.
Assume it is broken until there is a message about it being fixed.
What a pity :/
Who can fix the level, just Flabby?
Yes, only @flabbyrabbit
His last seen is two months ago, I hope he comes back soon
He’ll come back, soon or later :p He’ll probably make a great post about SMTP back when he’ll make it works again
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