aex243, this site is all about learning. We as a community, term it hacking, but only in the most positive sense. In general, we are about helping each other learn about computer vulnerabilities and how to fix them or show how other exploit them. If this appeals to you, do the levels more or less in sequence (except for me, blxcode & Real level 4 most difficult) where each level builds on the previous ones. My recommendation; Acclimate yourself to site, read info, see date created, approx. difficulty by amount of points, and number of people that completed it. Show hint is the key info. Sometimes it tells you what to do, though cryptically, unclear Read/Ask the Forum Post, solutions are there, but you need to piece it together. Dont Post solutions. Keep a log of your techniques for future Levels, view [Solution discussion] to learn more methods. Login every day to get Medals and increase your score. Before you know it, you will have a firm foundation of exploitation techniques with artificial experience (Hackthis Levels exploit experience). Welcome, bonne chance!