Hi, I’m searching for a little team of 3-5 people for making a console-like game.
Having a good level of python is very important.
I haven’t wrote a single line of the game code yet. (I don’t even know the name of the game xD)
Here are some of my ideas for the game.
[] Connect to the server with a client, not by ssh or telnet, for a better user-experience
[] Each user will have a “home” (folder)
[] For logging, any user will be created on the OS, there will be a database on the server, which will store the users and passwords
[] There will be two factions
[] You will be able to attack other players and npc’s
[] For attacking and defending you will use tools which the game will provide you
[] For getting those tools you will have to pay with fake money inside the game, or you will have to research them
[] Guilds
[] Guild wars
[] Guild homes
[*] Guild tools (superpowerfull)
Of course we need more ideas, if you think you just can’t help me coding this, you can help by giving more ideas on this thread.
I hope somebody helps me, its such a big project and I can’t do it alone :(