Timestamp bug?

Micr0n [micr0n]
6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


As it seems to be everyone is hunting bugs i wanted to share this one. Sometimes, the time in the forum have a bug that show the last message as secs ago when, in fact, the message was wrote mins ago, or the same happens with the hours. That happened to me a lot of times since two weeks ago. Here one example:

In the first image we can see the last messages on the forum

Here all right, but when i press F5 and the page reloads we can see for few milliseconds (i had to do three or four attempts to save the picture) the real time.


SIGKILL [r4v463]
6 years ago


This is based on the datetime of your computer, because it is done client-side. If the hour of your computer is 4 minutes too late, when a message will be posted, you will see “4 minutes ago” even if it just have been posted.

Micr0n [micr0n]
6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


That’s what i have thought at the beginning but that doesn’t explain when i reload the page the real timestamp appears for just few milliseconds.

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Mugi [Mugiwara27]
6 years ago
Micr0n [micr0n]
6 years ago


Edited, i was trying to get the image with other link and not .jpg one, thanks

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