Add a Social Engineering Section?

I think we could very easily do that here in the General Discussion section. Have you read “The Art of Deception” or “The Art of Intrusion” by Kevin Mitnick? They’re both good reads.
We talk a lot about how computers work, and how to manipulate or circumvent machine processes to produce different results. Often times, the human aspect is completely overlooked by hackers; that said, often times the human element of computer security is the least secure.
What about social engineering interests you most?

Yeah, In my line of work I do the main SE. Yes, I have read those. They are really good books. You are correct that it is largely overlooked, that is the easiest way to hack something. It does require a lot of non-anonymity however and that causes some complications.
Hmm, the most interesting part. I would guess how easy it is, it’s also a lot of fun.

I got you @x2600

@r4v463 That’s pretty cool, but I was thinking more along the lines of disarming in social engineering.
People are naturally defensive. If I wanted to piggyback into a secured location, I could use one of the following disarming techniques:
1) Walk with the person towards the building. Say something like “Excuse me. You wouldn’t happen to have the time, would you?” Obviously we all have smart phones, so this technique is slightly outdated.
2) Smoke a cigarette outside the target organization. Engage in conversation with other smokers. Smoking by itself with small bits of small-talk is a disarming technique.
Both of these cause people to drop their guard. And there are tons… Social Engineering is about social manipulation. It goes beyond simply what we say. Physical actions, manner of speech, tone of voice, approach, and body language are all parts of this attack.

I also agree w/ you. it would be practical, since a lot of other hackers i know who dont want to have to break in and risk being caught phish people