Hi, I got the image and decoded the symbols, tried many conversions and tried >> Decoding like in code level .
I really need help. Please someone pm me a hint or something.
The coding level doesn’t have nothing in common with Crypt 6. In the image are few symbols that should let you think in one special “system” or “conversion”. If you want to check your decoded symbols PM me because it would spoil
so you have an image? have you tried google image search?
That won’t help here. It’s as simple as maths, there is no need for a complicated search engine here. A regular one may still be useful.
No idea on how to complete this. Tried everything I read about
you said you’ve decoded the symbols, so maybe look for a translationtable
Tried decoding to every base but nothing works.
I don’t think that you’re in the right way at all…
Well thats why I started this post. I am so lost.
Solved it. I was thinking too much, thx for everyone help
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