5 Ethical Hacking Paid Udemy Courses for Free

Hi Guyx,
Today I brought few ethical hacking courses from Udemy for free for you all. Hope it’ll be helpful for you.
1. Learn Kali Linux to Hack Android Mobile Devices
Most of today Ethical Hacking and Penetration testing courses are focusing on how to compromise computers with Windows and Linux platform while right now most peoples are keeping all their critical data (Emails, Contacts, SMS, Personnel files) on Smart phones and tablet that use different platform like Android and doesnt have the same layers of security like PCs and accordingly peoples may think that their data is safe because they have an Anti Virus and Firewall on their computers while the true is that all the data is replicated on their smart phone or another android devices that is very easy to compromise.
Download Kali Linux to Hack Android Mobile Devices Complete Course
2. The Complete Ethical Hacking Course For 2016/2017
If you want to get started as an ethical hacker, learn how network security professionals protect their systems, or take your IT career to the next level you are going to LOVE this course! This course is a sequel to The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced! which over 50,000 students have taken, and was at one point the most popular ethical hacking course in the world! Join us now and receive over 80 lectures & 15 hours of HD video, and 1 on 1 assistance from experienced network security professionals!
Download The Complete Ethical Hacking Course For 2016/2017 Complete Course
3. Expert Metasploit Penetration Testing Series
Expert Metasploit Penetration Testing is a complete guide for beginners as well as security professionals who are willing to master the most popular and buzzing framework for pen-testing. The video series will guide you through numerous techniques using real time demonstrations to sharpen your skills and give you a clear understanding of the complete framework. The video series also explains ad-on tools, such as nmap, Armitage, and so on, that can further add more skill sets in your techniques for penetration testing. Overall the video series covers every nook and corner of Metasploit.
Download Expert Metasploit Penetration Testing Series Complete Course
4. Kali Linux, Ethical Hacking and Pen Testing for Beginners
At the beginning of this course you will get a breakdown of the world of ethical hacking. If you ever wondered what ethical hacking is or what an ethical hacker does, this is for you. This section will be covered by a certified ethical hacker (CEH) and trainer who has 20 years of experience in the world of information security.
Next we will go into Kali Linux which is the ethical hackers OS for all things hacking. We will show you how to install Kali using VMWare. We will show you some important configuration settings that you should be aware of and go over some of the top tools in Kali. We will end with a demo on how to crack Wi-Fi passwords on a WEP network.
The last section will dive into penetration testing and specifically the methodologies professional penetration testing teams take to protect businesses.
Download Kali Linux, Ethical Hacking and Pen Testing for Beginners Complete Course
5. How Hackers Create Undetectable Malware and Viruses
You are about to learn how hackers create undetectable malware. Skilled hackers are not using of the shelf products to create malware. They are using sophisticated methods to create malware and viruses that are undetectable my most popular antivirus solutions.
Download How Hackers Create Undetectable Malware and Viruses Complete Course
Enjoy Free Learning..!!

So, you paid for something calling itself “Ethical Hacking” ? :)
Forget all this shit about EHC & Kali Linux. You won’t be able to do anything if you don’t even know how basic things work.
Learn what OSI / TCP-IP are and how computers work.
Learn a scripting and a programming language ( e.g : Python / C++ ).
Then, specialize yourself in one subject ( Reverse, Web exploitation, Networks, etc ) and learn as much as possible, be aware of new things coming out everyday.
With just this, I’m pretty sure you’ll be way more skilled than people learning using these courses
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

@Mugiwara27 How can OSI levels be useful in hacking ? Oo I’ve learned a lot about computer network but never used OSI in this domain.
I feel like CEH is just all about using Kali Linux maybe I’m wrong ? I hope so.
Message me anytime!

It’s not because you’re not skilled enough to use your network knowledge for hacking that it means it’s not useful
Same question as your in a different way ;
How can understanding how a bicycle work be useful when using it is just as simple as pedaling ?
But whatever, the whole thing depends on one’s ability understanding the difference between multiple point of view
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

I have this mindset too Mugi and that’s why I’ve past 6 months on OSI IP calculation and all those complicated domains. But I’ve never find a way now to use them, maybe you have an example ?
Message me anytime!

Good then! Have you ever heard of ARP poisoning, DNS cache poisoning, or even MITM ? :p
Or did you hear about a tool named Nmap ? ;)
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

Hahaha @Mugiwara27 Do not feel superior too fast (even if it’s true in hacking)
I’ve already heard about Janus and I don’t think you need such a big knowledge for DNS Spoofing but I wasn’t thinking about ARP packets I did use Scapy but only for exercise in a classroom.
I will not raise the provocation for your last sentence and I already used on this website with Wireshark for some levels.
Message me anytime!

Don’t take my words the wrong way, @DIDIx13 , this isn’t provocation or something like that, it was a bit of sarcarsm and ironism.
I’m pretty aware you know nmap ( and all these other things I listed ) ; you passed the Basic+7 so you should be aware of the existence of such a tool !
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

Actually, the first time that I’ve seen Wireshark, it was in a classroom where we all need to find an Ethernet Weft (how do we call Trame in english mugi ?)
We did the exercise and I was like : I CAN DO A LOT OF THINGS WITH THIS (With stars shining in my eyes)
Message me anytime!

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

I know what mean about discovering wireshark @DIDIx13
I was offered a book called SuritInformatique which covers the subject in a very large and simple way, and gives a very well overview (The chapter about networking is quite advanced and give examples about various attacks against TCP, such as Mittnick one). I was using ftp to manage some Minecraft servers and when I saw that it was possible to intercept an ftp password, I was just impatient to try. Actually doing is what gave me the passion I have for Hacking today.

There are several legit ways in which you can hack someones or any account easily. One of them is by hiring a professional hacker. Finding a professional hacker is not an issue in this advanced technologically driven world, but finding a genuine and legit professional hacker is difficult. There are a large number of fake people who claim to be professional hackers, they will scam you for money and would not even complete the job for which they were initially hired. But, if you happen to find a legit hacker, they can help you hack into anybody’s account.
I use to be an admin on dark web, you can contact me for serious business on hacking,I can also help you to hack anything you want.
send Email to … majicspy @protonmail .com