New pc build

If you have a big budget and don’t care about power consumption, a bunch of 1080Ti is probably the way to go. If remember correctly, 1060 are good compromises between power/efficiency/cost. As far as I know NVidia is better than AMD on that side.
RAM isn’t that big of a deal unless you want to use Rainbow Tables, and a basic HDD should be fine. The same goes for the CPU, there is no need to go overkill on it, the only drawback could be the number of PCI lanes, and AMD has higher number of them on medium rank CPUs, so Ryzen could be a good idea.
Cooling should also not be forgotten.
It’s hard to tell without much details, a cracking build can be of many different flavors and size, and it also depends on if you plan on using it for anything else.

Using vms and some rainbow tables. Also… I have scripts that are running my CPU into the ground. I was thinking of running pcie ssd with a nice 6 core processor , 32 gig of ram and a simple graphics card. I am not optimizing my code so that it utilizes GPu. Maybe some time in the future. I guess I should have specified that I’m using home grown apps.

I actually just built my first rig this past August and specifically designed it for cracking, even though the budget was quite minute compared to that of some crackers I know.
I used and to monitor prices and look for products, and overall I think the rig I have is decent enough to get a start:
-Intel i7-7700 processor
-16GB G.SKILL Ripjaw DDR4-2133 RAM
-Some very outdated AMD graphics card my uncle gave me.
However the price of RAM has gone up dramatically over the past year or so, so I would definitely consider other online vendors if you’re looking at a low budget.
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Not a bad rig. I am thinking about toying around with cuda and going the nvidia route. Who knows at this point. Thinking about options, mostly debating on whether to go intel or amd. I’m partial to intel, but amd has some good stuff going on with its zen lineup.

Thanks :3
And at this point, I’m not entirely sure if AMD or Intel is better suited for cracking operations :s
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