guys i discovered the answer but even when i type it it be wrong answer and i know its the right one whyyy??
Then you are not typing it correctly.
I’m blocked on the second level… Please help meee!!!
If you are stuck on this the best advice I can give you is to look at the code where you input the username and password a little more carefully. (The answer is generally not in the tags) :)
This information helped me out a lot. Thanks @julabarton.
Guys Im blocked on the level 2..any1 can help me ??
hi friends I m blocked in level 2 I donot know what to do can not see the username and password
open your eyes, and you will see… may the source be with you
I tried to pass the main level 2 but in the source code i didnt see any password and any Username how could i do it please gimme help !!
Have a look at the forum threads, there are enough hints in it about that.
it is there! Don’t quit, you can do it
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