
Hey everybody!
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have consistently contributed to this site because it has sparked quite the hobby for me! In August this year, I decided to study Computer Science with the intention of focusing on becoming a programmer. I began attempting to learn how to write code through many different sites during my free time, and to my surprise I found a great deal of enjoyment. I was formerly studying Exercise Science, so when I decided to change my major it was pretty amusing to see all these experienced students reactions when I walked into my first class. My instructor actually made the comment: “I think you are in the wrong class, big guy.” and of course the entire class broke out in hysterics. I accepted humility and within the first two weeks of the course, the muscle-head comments came to a halt after I began suggesting alternative approaches to the introductory assignments and found myself helping my peers with their troubles. One kid in the class, however, gave off an extremely arrogant, smug vibe towards everybody because he had the most experience writing Java and even made the comment to our instructor “Do I really have to show up to class anymore? I obviously already know all of these discussions and it seems like a waste of time.” This immediately urked me because I can’t stand fools that think they know everything and walk around like peacocks. Later in the semester I finally got my chance to humble his arrogance when he made a remark about how the program he wrote was flawless and he even challenged the instructor to break the program. The instructor declined, but I just had to shut him up once and for all. Within a few minutes, I broke his code and enjoyed watching his frustration. My instructor had talked to me after the class period and asked me if I had an interest in computer security. I really had no clue of what hacking really was and my only knowledge was gained through movies, so pretty much nothing hahah. I found this site and I honestly it has given me the idea of pursuing ethical hacking as a career. Although I am still a rookie, I have a great deal of fun figuring out the levels on my own and I have actually gained the respect from the computer geeks in my family when we discuss vulnerabilities in some of the softwares they frequently work with. I have this site and its community to thank for my newfound interest, and I really hope that down the road I can think back and thank this site for my beginning steps.
Thank you for taking the time to read the novel I have posted as my introduction, and I assure that any comments after won’t have so much filler. I hope to hear back from you guys, and I am open to any and all suggestions as to how I can become more knowledgable and efficient. Again, I thank you all for your words and contributions!

Wow, it seems with time you’re going to be amazing! Cheer up bro, don’t give up just ‘cause those fools… :-)
Besides, yeah those kind of people who are extremely arrogant make me mad as fuck, some time they just need be quiet.
Sorry for my english, have fun!
# Don't let anyone tell you that you're too young to accomplish something, a baby shark, is still a fucking shark.

Welcome! Happy you like the core tenet of this website and the whole community :)
Hope, and pretty sure, that you’ll learn a lot with us and enjoy your time there !
If you need anything, feel free to PM me :)
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