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I break stuff….. a lot

0x1ceb00da I don’t know, It’s just for work in team, it’s more fun
feuerstein : https://www.root-me.org/en/Capture-The-Flag/CTF-all-the-day/
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In a free room someone can select a vulnerable vm and start it. others can join the room and you compete against each other to solve the ctf.
I break stuff….. a lot

I break stuff….. a lot

@feuerstein CTF is a or a pack of challenge actually, you can try to solve it with a team or solo if you think you’re able to solve it lonely.
After saying that today’s CTF are competitive at the end of the CTF, The owner/creator of the CTF uploads a leaderboard where we can see all the teams or players and who was the fastest or who did the most of the CTF in cause no one solve it.
So do CTF for fun or to practice, solo or in team, for money/competition or for purpose only :)
Message me anytime!

@flabbyrabbit: I actually linked to it first, sorry @heavenlyMe <3
@Pinkponyprincess & @ColdIV: I agree, I believe it will be a little surprise level or something. Maybe a special medal for logging in?! :D

Good progress. Haven’t spent much time there yet. Been registered a while but not really got into the challenges. Think I did about half the network challenges and maye one app-script and 2 CTF all the day
edit, I also made a screenshot of my stats
I break stuff….. a lot

Message me anytime!

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you can find me @ https://www.root-me.org/feuerstein?inc=statistiques&lang=en

Every member can join the HackThis CTF team too :D We need to keep this team active !
To register : https://www.hackthis.co.uk/forum/hacking-security/web-hacking/25281-hackthis-ctf
Message me anytime!

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