New Level: Crypt10

Miss me? Well, probably not, but I’m sure you miss some new crypto levels here and I got some good news for you.
More than a year ago I made a new level for hackthis but it never got online and it got lost in infinite space.
The other day I was going through old files of mine and found my level, the one I’d like to call crypt10 as it fits the cryptography/steganography category.
I hope you enjoy solving the level and hopefully @flabbyrabbit will put it some day on this website as a new cryptography level if he accepts it.
Any questions about the level you can post here and I or another challenger ahead of you will answer.
So… no more talking, here it is!VeoXRIST
To download the file you must use this key: !lOJv4hLRl_CE5U2CO1FRPdtbgV7VDo0cSxHSAwiqwnE
Happy Challenging! :)
Users that solved the challenge by order:
- @dloser (01/02/2018) (dd/mm/yyyy)
A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!

Thanks a lot that’s huge !
@RichardBrook how many times did he takes you to make it ? And is it more difficult than the other crypt levels ?
Message me anytime!

[quote=DIDIx13]RichardBrook how many times did he takes you to make it ? [/quote]
I didn’t understand that question
[quote=DIDIx13]And is it more difficult than the other crypt levels ?[/quote]
That would depend on someone’s knowledge but probably easier than crypt9 and harder than the previous ones.
A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!

I just re-read my sentence and yes it’s incomprehensible :(
So I wanted to ask how long did it take you to create it ?
Message me anytime!

[quote=DIDIx13]So I wanted to ask how long did it take you to create it ?[/quote]
Ah, well, it took me more time to get ideas for something nice (hopefully) than to actually make it.
I had done a previous version of this one but dear @dloser solved it in ~10 minutes (maybe less) as I recall, and because of that I implemented new things that would make people take a little longer to solve it.
But I’d say after gathering all the ideas about 3 days to implement/code it. :)
A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!

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First one to complete the challenge:
- @dloser , living up to his na … uhh .. rank!
A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!

OMG, I keep racking my brain on crypt9… and now crypt10!? (o_O !)
Otherwise, something interesting would be to see the date for each user’s completion.

A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!