Iphone4 any way of getting around this?

7 years ago


So not the best place to post but people on here have helped with non-hacking releated enquiries, but if anyone wants to suggest any hacking methods to solve this problem thats also fine. I am new to the world of hacking.

Im starting a new business. I wanted a cheap phone with a few apps and a spare sim so my clients dont know my real number. I brought a 30 cheap iphone4 off gumtree.

Expect when I met the seller for the phone … he said he cant erase his iCloud account off as he doesnt know the password , its such an old phone so I cant go through the security questions as he cant remember them, however with WiFi I can go on google and put a SIM card in. Stupid me though, thought it would be easy to get his iCloud off.

I was wrong. Im finding it hard to erase the phone without the password. I tried restore on iTunes and dr fone but you need to be able to turn Find my iPhone off and you cant do that without a password.

Is there anything I can do? It would be okay to just use text but I did want a snapchat, Skype, whatsapp, a new personalised mail and gmail account on there and another app on there.

So do I need to go to a shop, AppStore, what? I could buy cheap phones in my area from mobile phone stores but hey usually break down and I could buy another one on gumtree/eBay but theyre a bit pricey. Any suggestions ?

Dannydeleto [dannydeleto]
7 years ago | edited 7 years ago


You should go to an Apple store and tell them your situation. They should be able to reset the Phone to its original state and remove the link between your phone and the old owners iCloud account.

7 years ago


Man, I’m sorry you encountered this problem.
You can’t remove iCloud by yourself.
I’m sure next time when you buy apple products you will remove icloud and FindMyiPhone first.
Go to apple store if you have a phone’s box and payment slip. They will help you.
Good luck

7 years ago


@dannydeleto @mytestaccount thankyou x

@mytestaccount yes but I didn’t know, thought it was be easy, but thankyou

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