What do you think about metasploit ?



I am French so escuse me if I make mistakes

Smyler [WHGhost]
7 years ago


Don’t worry, you are not the only one who doesn’t speak english well out there. Metasploit can be very useful when completing a ctf or something, but I personally don’t think that the tools makes the hacker. If you want to progress and learn interesting stuff, I would rather advise to learn about anything that you are curious about instead of focusing on tools which already do it.


ok I think I will do that , I have an kalilinux vm and I see metasploit and I just post this question for know what it is and if it will be userful for hack a wifi or an account..

Darwin [DIDIx13]
7 years ago


Take a look at my quote on my profile ;)
Pretty important to keep that in mind !

Smyler [WHGhost]
7 years ago


Ok, Metasploit is a payload generation framework. It allows anyone to create exploits for basically any system, using preconfigured ones.

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
7 years ago


And not only that!

But keep in mind what WHGhost told you, don’t focus on a tool that does everything for you ; learn what are the attacks, how it really works, code it yourself and then you can use tools while being fully ( let’s hope ) aware of how it works

If you need further help, feel free to PM me or even ask there ;)


ok coool I sterted with the sql injection and tha is so cool I think I will learn more aubout that , is it the right choice in your opinion? can you give my some advice ? and thank you for answering


I think I will open an other forum to get some advice

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