Taking down Facebook?
11 years ago
Nope, I like FB though not a regular visitor but I think its a good website.

I have personally never liked Facebook (seems pointless ), although i think the only way to take them down is to physically locate the servers and torch it down . DDOS will never be an option because of the sheer capacity of data they can handle. My reasons for not liking facebook (besides privacy ), is the way they make money , they basically sell you to marketing agents , i understand that a website needs adverts to survive, but users basically sell their souls to facebook (if that makes sense ), also im pretty sure that Mark Cheeseburger(lol spell check, leaving it like that xD) is a crooked little man …
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
Well I agree with pinkpony, I don’t think facebook is a good website. I think facebook is one of the most annoying things ever, and I agree with what pinkpony said about the way facebook makes money.

I am not registered to it and I won’t use it ever. But I think it is a good website since it has many users who log in to it daily. It connects people all over the world and I don’t think that this is a bad thing either. Although I won’t use it doesn’t mean that it is a bad thing.
And just because a few people don’t like it doesn’t mean it should be taken down.
If you don’t like someone, do you kill him?
I hope not. Live with it. You don’t have to use it, so what’s the problem?
Noone likes how they’re spying on us…
But also think about how great faceook is for communicating with others…
You always have to think about both sides…
Facebook is great for comunicating and knowing what events are on and stuff, but unfortunately some may use it badly and spy on people as there are a lot of privacy concerns on fb.
Taking it down seems a bit ott and at the end of the day if you don’t like it don’t use, no one is forcing you too. But if you do, use at your own risks and check the privacy setting regularly ;)

“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
Hi Pinkponyprincess,
I just have thing to say. People around the world uses Facebook on their own will. Nobody is forcing them to use it. Mark Zuckerberg didn’t begged anyone to use facebook. I don’t think Facebook is supposed to be blame for this it is the people who uses it.

I am confused , “the people who use it ”, is this the up-loaders/sharers of these videos ? or the people who unexpectedly stumble upon it ? I would agree with you that it isn’t Facebook’s responsibility , but than another thing occurs to me , they allow 13 year old’s to use Facebook, is 13 year old’s responsible for what they see ? is it their fault ? are they old enough to make an informed decision , whether to watch a video like that or not ? No I think it is Facebook’s responsibility to some extent , unless they change their minimum age policy.
Interestingly enough here is a quote from Facebook’s own ‘Community Standards’ page.>Safety is Facebook’s top priority.[/quote]
Yet another quote >Sharing any graphic content for sadistic pleasure is prohibited.
And finally , probably the funniest and most ironic one.
[quote]We take the safety of our members seriously

Well honestly.. a 13 year old should have his parents to learn what’s right and wrong. It’s not Facebook’s fault if the parents allow their child to use the internet with no real limits.
Of course Facebook should try to keep their site clean - and I am sure they are doing it, more or less - but it’s not really easy to delete every “bad” video, image or whatsoever. It’s a huge site with tons of contents, how should they manage to keep it “clean” all the time?
A user can and should expect to see bad things in the internet. If he doesn’t then he’s probably naive. If you don’t like Facebook, stay away from it. If you don’t want 13 year old children to use Facebook because it could show them something they shouldn’t see - start with your children, if you have some.
I don’t use Facebook but I wouldn’t mind if one day I have children who use it. It’s everyone’s own decision.
11 years ago
I so completely agree with ColdIV on this.

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A HACKER should see through his DeCeptions ………………………………..
I guess I see through my DeCeptions ………………………………………………..
Simply…. Fuck Facebook! They are a corporate company! The 60v have any advantage of spying on us through it! Whether facebook gives permission for people to gain access to others confidential information, it’s a big enough Network to listen on and NOT get caught. Especially for the experts, y ‘know! Besides if any illegal activity is expected I gaurentee that their drives are backed up and investigated thoroughly. Therefore, it is a horrible site. When people get big they sell out and at this point the money probably have consumed the big dogs and are paid under the table to release the once 'confidential’ information of yours. For publicity purposes it is all more than likely kept on the down low. Have you actually read their private policy? Neither have I but I’ve glanced at a couple key words and aren’t too happy.
Anyone, interested in starting a project? Investigate facebooks source code from the simplist styling tabs all the way to the advanced scripts and all of the processed network activity, file paths, and other server side files that could be ‘malicious’? Nothing illegal I swear! Just simple investigative web work to better understand the social network and call them out on the bad? Evidence to the public on the bullshit we automatically understand and expect? Dumb it down for them, stylesheets, tags, scripts, and databases and all.
We’d split into teams of course and investigate all aspects. PM if you’re interested, I’m not interested in doing anything illegal or anything but some investigative journalism, hell yeah! I respect this sites policies and admins too much.
So, if I’m saying something against terms in anyway please take down this post and please PM me!
no need to do anything, they do not need to do anything… all they need they already have … A DATABASE!
I Hate Signatures.
@ADIGA it’s just the whole, “Oh, you’re just paranoid thing! Who would do such a thing?” People need to realize this shiz and have awareness. Everyones 0x36,0x30,0x76,0x7A need to be called out on. I’m not a (h)+(4)+(x)+(1)+(v)+(1)+(5)+(7) but some stuff is bullshit. lol ‘I like my pr/iv-a-tes_to s-ta/y_private’.
Excuse, my paranoia. It’s a good thing to have when you https://char(1)-char(4)this.co.uk