When life gives you--

…Oh, hi! I’m lemon42. I’m French and live in Spain. Not really a hacker, I’m a developer who signed up to see how far I could get in. I’m at about 80% right now, I think that’s relatively good for someone without much prior “hacking” experience, if you can even call it that for the first few levels… was very suspicious when I found the password in plain text in a source code comment. Oh well. The other levels are far more intriguing. Currently stuck on some of the “real” ones.
I’m looking forward to meeting other coders, so if anyone wants to talk, I’m free! I mainly work in C# and Java, though I’m moving away from those and favoring C++ now :)
In any case, really liking this website. Can’t wait for more challenges!
On another note, lemons are awesome.
“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”
11 years ago
Hi lemon42,
Welcome to HT!!

Hi lemon42 ! I do HTML 5 and CSS for the fun or… for hack (hihihi),
“http://sourcecodeanop.altervista.org/hacker.html” This my website.
And me I’m french in France ;)

Hey @vad13, we could probably talk sometime, I’m French as well!
Saw it, though that may be a bit off-topic here. Oh well, this is my thread isn’t it?! :D
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”
11 years ago
Yeah, I’m a french in France too! There are a lot of french here :)
PS: I like lemon :p
So, we’ve found out there are loads of French people here.. any Bulgarians by any chance? :P
Anyway, welcome lemon42! Hope you enjoy HackThis! We are all very nice people :P
“Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.” Will Durant

@fkpuzat: Good to know!
@Green_Apple: I’m sure you are, fruit usernames are never mean! ;D
“Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.” Will Durant

Hey welcome! There are a few developers on here (that I know of). My first programming class was Java, everyone after that was C#. C# is an amazing language!
Need help with math homework? Hit me up! I can help out with integral calculus and below.

Hi @lemon42, I really like your profile image. It makes me drool. Wait, what?