Java Programs

I’d have a look at Github. If you go into advanced search you can search for repositories of a specified language. Not only do you have about 4.5 million to choose from, but you’ll get the source code as well. Should be possible to find some CTF type stuff if you dig a bit.
If you hold a UNIX shell up to your ear, can you hear the C?

You can do all of the challenges in Java if you need to practice is great too with a large community of insane programmers
Message me anytime!

Ooh, CodeWars look really nice. I might have a proper look at that, I need to hone my Haskell skills quite a bit
If you hold a UNIX shell up to your ear, can you hear the C?

I’ve already spent few months to get 1kyu belt and #241 on the leaderboard :D
Message me anytime!

I will soon join after I complete core java.

PM me on HT if you have questions I have completed 200 of “katas” so I might be able to help you ^^
Message me anytime!

Be sure I will! But I still have some other challenges to complete before starting some new ones… However I keep the link in my browser, maybe codewars will be the next one for me.

Next one for me is Starts in 9 hours everyone !
Message me anytime!

This is what is mentioned in Codejam terms.
For the qualification round of Code Jam, you may use any programming language to solve a Code Jam problem, using any development environment or text editor. For any round of Code Jam after the qualification round, the compiler or interpreter you use must be available such that anyone else can use it for free without a time limitation and without violating any rights of any person or entity.
Try C++, Java or Python standard competitive coding languages.
I more confortable with C# personnaly :)
Message me anytime!

[quote=Google]We currently support the following, which represent over 97.5% of the submissions in last year’s Qualification Round: Bash, C, C++, C# (mono), Go, Haskell (ghc), Java 8, Javascript (nodejs), Python 2, Python 3, PHP, and Ruby.[/quote]
I saw that PHP can be used too :) I’m still hesitating to register…

If you hold a UNIX shell up to your ear, can you hear the C?