I don’t know if this is exactly a level idea, but I think it’s important. A lot of levels are just above my level and I can’t understand them. I don’t want to look at youtube, and get the answer, but I also want more help. Can we like also earn another type of point that you can spend for like better hints and stuff. Just an idea, and thanks for the time.
“You don’t have enough space in your inventory”
IMHO if you take the spoiler (which would tell how to get to the answer) you shouldn’t get points. In addition I think it’s bad if you lose score and are not able to later get the full score… Instead you could start with for example 100 credits for hints and each time you pass levels you gain some more.. Then if you are good, you could save the credits to get better hints for the later / harder levels…
- daMage

Have you paid attention to programming before?
What’s the most serious password vulnerability on the Internet?

have you checked the forums that handle basic + lvl 1?
- daMage
Yeah maybe there could be more explanation as to why this would work but I do like that they let you figure it out.
Hi , I was hopin someone could help me out with level 1 of basics cause im kinda loosin it here ……………….????????????
I got the file that wasnt the problem but i get a series of letters and symbols …….. What step do I have to do know ????

The first step is to find the right place to ask:
The next step will be to read what is already written about this level. Maybe that this will already help you to solve the level?
If you search good enough you might find this:
[quote=verath]http://www.unfiction.com/dev/tutorial/definitions.htm should provide all information necessary to solve the level. :)[/quote]
Which I usually quote when someone doesn’t read before he posts. It should help you.
A hacker can be a wiz kid who spends too much time with computers and suddenly finds himself submerged in the world of cyber-security or criminal conspirators. On the other hand, he can be a master criminal who wants to obtain huge amounts of money for him, or even worse, dominate the world.
In the movie Matrix, the concept of hackers changed a bit. Although the agents of the Matrix considered them terrorists, the truth is that they were rebels fighting for the liberty of humanity. Things do not need to reach that extreme, though. We are not at war with intelligent ma chines so that kind of scenario is a bit dramatic.
Therefore, a hacker is an individual who is capable of modifying computer hardware, or software. They made their appearance before the advent of computers, when determined individuals were fascinated with the possibility of modifying machines. For example, entering a determine code in a telephone in order to make free international calls.
When computers appeared, this people found a new realm where they could exploit their skills. Now they were not limited to the constraints of the physical world, instead, they could travel through the virtual world of computers. Before the internet, they used Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) to communicate and exchange information. However, the real explosion occurred when the Internet appeared.
Today, anyone can become a hacker. Within that denomination, there are three types of hackers. The first one is the black hacker, also known as a cracker, someone who uses his computer knowledge in criminal activities in order to obtain personal benefits. A typical example is a person who exploits the weaknesses of the systems of a financial institution for making some money.
On the other side is the white hat hacker. Although white hat hacking can be considered similar to a black hacker, there is an important difference. A white hacker does it with no criminal intention in mind. Companies around the world, who want to test their systems, contract white hackers. They will test how secure are their systems, and point any faults that they may found. If you want to become a hacker with a white hat, Linux, a PC and an internet connection is all you need.
Grey Hat Hackers
A grey hat hacker is someone who is in between these two concepts. He may use his skills for legal or illegal acts, but not for personal gains. Grey hackers use their skills in
order to prove themselves that they can accomplish a determined feat, but never do it in order to make money out of it. The moment they cross that boundary, they become black hackers.
For example, they may hack the computer network of a public agency, let us say, NOAA. That is a federal crime.
If the authorities capture them, they will feel the long arm of justice. However, if they only get inside, and pos