12 year old hacker
So a couple of days ago I read that a 12 year old boy hacked many government websites for Anonymous, does anyone have any more information on this?
Also how does a kid that age manage to do so much damage? personally I do not know many kids that age that do that sort of stuff.
11 years ago
Well it seems all the good hackers out there are children. Their minds are not fully developed and they can learn pretty much everything and pretty fast.

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Children are curious , thus trying different things in rapid success and learning on the fly , and sucking up info like a sponge , if you start learning at a young age you will be up to date with latest trends and be awesome at what you do. BUT i don’t think that he wanted to hack government websites, i think someone older exploited his talent .

“BUT i don’t think that he wanted to hack government websites, i think someone older exploited his talent .” What a great point Pink. Couldn’t have said it better.
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I completely agree with you Pink, really doubt he was driven by political goals, seems quite worrying how kids like that can easily be influenced by people with bad intentions. There a few genius kids out there, but probably no politically driven ones, personally I think it’s very unlikely to have a political ideology at that age, unless they have been severely influenced by adults which are always around them.

I don’t quite know the full story but I thinks it’s kinda sad the level people will go to to achieve a goal like that. It’s kinda pathetic getting a 12 year old boy involved with something like that.
Although another idea/theory (whatever you want to call it) is at 12 a kid might have felt like he had been fucked over by the government so to speak (through learning about stuff at school, something that happened with there parents or any other way); whether or not he had a full understanding of the situation is another question, but he hacked the government as it’s something he knew how to do. That’s the only way I can think of it being government influenced.
And yeah a great hacker indeed. But it depends on what the government site he hacked was.

Here is the information: http://www.montrealgazette.com/life/year+hacker+pleads+guilty/9099403/story.html
He was using DDoS, SQL injection, and some other “basic” stuff.
Night falls…and so will you!

Thanks for that :)
So it looks like he was payed in video games to hack the websites for anonymous.
look at least 10 years ago there was a 10 year old boy who hacked NASA he changed the course of space shuttle . due to which there was a huge loss to NASA of course next gen . will always be better than previous . there are always some out of our league .
i myself am 16 year old and i am not good enough . i got into hacking 1 year ago . and yes earlire u start more u gain .
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

11 years ago
I’m 17, turn 18 in a week or so. It is amazing what kids of age 12 can do, especially when they are focused. I became a hacker between 1 and 2 years ago.
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”
“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”

@heavenlyMe I agree, most things are like that. I kinda wish I started earlier but it’s what you do with the time your given that counts I guess.

So let me get this straight, the more time some has to learn something the better they will be at it?!
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Not necessarily, it’s what they do with that time.
All it means is they have more time to work on it and become better at it.
11 years ago
Its quite simple, from age 0 - 21 you’re brain develops much more than a person in the 30’s..
if you like “hacking” from age 10 - 12 when you start being able to understand a proper english or whatever language you might use, whatever subject / work you might get in to, you will most definetly will have easier to learn from age 10 - 20 than you will from 20 - 30
simply because you’re brain takes in so much information and it can process it all much easier!
This is why if this person started looking in to “hacking” at age 10 he would be a beast in age 12 - 15.
That is why if you start smoking weed at age 14 you’re brain stops developing faster than it would’ve if you didn’t smoke, so weed is a very awesome thing but also better to start smoking when you’re aged 21. :)
I personally just stopped smoking weed and hell all i can say is that im more focused on whatever work i might do.

I thought the brain was fully developed by the age of 25, not 21, but oh well.
It may be easier to process, at the age of 10, but if you don’t have the proper interest, or will, you will come nowhere. Even if you are young, it’s not easy, just saying, when I was ~10 I was interested in hacking and so, but I just never really bothered, like I didn’t even try, it was too hard for me. If we are going to talk about weed, I am against weed from the age of 0-25(25 being the age when your brain is fully developed, it differs from each person of course), but from 25-death, I’m all for it.
11 years ago
exactly, i smoked since i was 14 and my brain was damaged quite a lot hehe, now i stopped and in a few years i might start up again ;)

I think alcohol is much more destructive than marijuana and would rather light a joint than drink a beer (I do not do either of these thou ) . This 12 year old got me thinking today, i wonder if he hacked his mothers Amazon account to see what he is getting for Christmas xD.
11 years ago
Awesome mind set Pinkponyprincess

11 years ago
depending on the research.
11 years ago
Yeah drink beer and live healthy.

11 years ago
Hey Nighttshad3,
Red wine is good as well. You can have some red wine before your dinner or launch cause its very good for digestion.

Yeah I thought so. It’s good for digestion and also your heart from memory. Moderated alcohol FTW!

I know someone who has troubles digesting heavy food, like some meat etc, they have to take conjac after a meal, just to help with that, so yeah, it can be good too. I’m not sure about the specifics, but some amount of alcohol is healthy, that would include red wine I suppose, as I said I don’t remember details.

There are many more things that are “healthier” for you than consuming alcohol on a daily basis. The reason alcoholism is considered a disease is because it is the only substance which can kill you from with drawls. I think it would be safe to ask if you want to drink each night just to drink, or if you are looking for the health benefits. If health is the main objective, I am sure there are a lot healthier options, which accomplish the same objective, that do not have the negative effects as alcohol…..YOLO
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You are probably right Ski900, but my point is that consuming the right amount of alcohol daily does have some health benefits, if you want to become healthy, don’t use alcohol as an excuse, there are a lot better alternatives out there, but my point still stands, it does have some health benefits.

My comment was not to disprove nor discredit what you said xRambo. I was calling to light the dynamic effects of alcohol consumption, versus the linear aspects of it.
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Moderated alcohol use also breaks down dead braincells effectively making you smarter . Its true that a glass of red wine also makes your heart stronger , and alcohol can unclog dense arteries. All of these effects can also be accomplished by regular exercise. 12 Year old hackers is probably so smart because they don’t drink and play outside(keeping active).
Love how this topic drifted off so much, interesting though, personally I find there’s better things to do in life than get completely wasted on alcohol, I use to do that and now I find it useless and a big time waste, would much rather learn hacking or go surfing(one of my other hobbies), or just do something more healthy and productive overall. Nevertheless I do not my mind a fresh beer once in a while or a glass of wine, overall anything in excess is bad, it’s all about finding the right balance.

Moderated alcohol use also breaks down dead braincells effectively making you smarter.
I thought so, I wasn’t quite sure about that though.
I guess the main thing about it is the moderation part of it, because otherwise it does damage.
11 years ago
No the man in this video was 15 years old when he hack ;)

A HACKER should see through his DeCeptions ………………………………..
I guess I see through my DeCeptions ………………………………………………..