Nighttshad3 - Hello World!

Hey, I’ve been on here for a bit of time now and I think it’s about time I said hello to the forums.
I’m a 16 year old male, I live on my computer and would not be able to live without it.
I’m here to test myself with some new challenges and learn some more skills. I am here to more acquire and develop a skill more than anything.
I know HTML, VB/VBS, Batch, Python, a bit of php, and I am currently learning Java. If there are any other recommended languages feel free to let me know, as I am more than happy to learn more to get more out of my experience on this site. Or just feel free to recommend anything really, I’d love to learn more about things.

Need help with math homework? Hit me up! I can help out with integral calculus and below.

Welcome, I personally hate java , But its cool if you choose to use / learn it . Welcome to HACKTHIS , may the ones and zeros be with you.

Depends on the application, but the languages i use mostly is C++ for desktop development, and php. I am not saying dont learn java, Java is very powerful and will teach you decent OOP .I have hangups on JAVA because of my high school teacher that thought us bad principles. I never want to see java code again lol.

Nice, I’d love to get into learning C++ I can read it over and understand a bit but I haven’t really learnt it properly yet.
Yeah that’d suck, I have a teacher like that at the moment although it’s for media instead. They have no idea what they’re doing and aren’t really teaching us anything.
“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”
Nighttshad3 welcome to ht :D
i am also 16 years old , found a mate of my age . i started programming with c++ .
JAYSSJ11- “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”

Hola Nighttshad3 ,
Welcome to Hackthis hope you learn alot here . The forum here is great and friendly and is like a heap of knowledge !!!
To start as a coder i think you must start with Python or C / C++ .
Good luck !
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

Thanks everybody for the welcome :)
It’s good to get a nice welcome to a forum.
@IAmDevil Thanks for the tip, I’ll probably start learning C/C++ pretty soon as it looks like it’s widely used (more wider than I thought). And as for python I completely forgot about adding it so I’ve just updated the post.