What browsers do you use?

I was just curious, what browsers do you like to use and why?
I use Chrome because it’s simple, clean, easy to use, and it does what I want it too.
Also plugins would be awesome too.

Firefox, it has some security features that i have not been able to get in chrome (they probably are there somewhere), chrome is faster as it supports multi-core processors but i still prefer firefox. Extensions installed:Adblock plus, Best Video Downloader , Cookie cutter, Do not track me , Tamper data, foxy spider,https everywhere. Just to add, i also have IE ,safari, opera and chrome installed for testing purposes , so i guess i use all web browsers pretty much.

Yeah I used to use FireFox for awhile but I found Chrome suited my needs. I use Edit This Cookie, Proxy Switchy Sharp, and Adblock Plus.
I’m still kinda getting my plugins together to get some ideas and different views on things which is also why I’m asking.

Firefox since 2006 (v2.0). And it still satisfies me everyday with add-ons, plug-ins, themes… I don’t use Chrome just because I love Firefox more. :D

Ahah nice, I have to admit the plugins/addons are the only downfall that I find to chrome, just as there aren’t as many or they’re not as powerful.

“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”

I hope this wont be labeled as wrong thread, today i wrote a customized hashing script, wanting to benchmark it i fired up chrome and got these results after hashing the entire English dictionary, this is time per password :
I did it in chrome because Firefox kept failing, so curious as to what other browsers will do :
It is a mixture of opera, safari and IE and another distribution of chrome.
Still curious i closed all tabs and cleaned up the browser : So the script ran but failed because the execution time was exceeded, after changing the php.ini file i finally got it to work in Firefox without failing. Here is the results:
Why is it running longer(i know it is an extremely small difference) in Firefox when the other browsers seem to give a consistent result.
As far as my knowledge goes the browser isn’t supposed to affect the server side script(php), even on a local host, can someone share some light on this , is this because of a memory allocation issue with Firefox or something.I have done more runs in Firefox and its consistently taking longer than the other browsers .

A HACKER should see through his DeCeptions ………………………………..
I guess I see through my DeCeptions ………………………………………………..
I normally use Internet Explorer :), because I don’t own a computer, so have to use public computer, like libary or school…..
But sometimes take my time to download my fav browser ‘Mantra’ http://www.getmantra.com/. Only annoying thing with mantra is, that it has a pop up bar right at the same place as Hackthis chat, so can’t open chat, without opening some programe in mantra……. :(

@Kabue: I feel sorry for you, dude. Please tell me you are using IE 9+, please. :s

Actually, IE 9+ is decent enough in loading pages and supporting CSS. You are lucky, man. I remember the time when I had to use IE 6… :@
11 years ago
Actually, I prefer to use IE.

I use CoolNovo under Windows (it’s a much more dev-oriented distro of Chrome. Also faster - usually).
I use Firefox under BackTrack, since Tor comes with it and I figured i could just get used to the interface :) Also because CoolNovo isn’t optimized for Linux in any way.
I also use other browsers, but the above ones are my primary ones.
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Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !

Primarily I use Firefox due to the fact that it’s open source and can be customized to my likings. Plus the add on feature is amazing because I can have some many tools right there ready to go, the interface makes more sense to me, and it has a pretty good security system. Since Chrome is by Google I would figure that it has nice security and all since it’s a huge company right? Sadly using Google services your information all gets backed up by the government as explained and showed in defcon. :/ IE is waaaaaaay out of the picture! The libraries suck, the interface sucks, and how after 11 versions it remains exploitable to the shitiest hackers even? At school I do use Chrome though since that’s the only other good browser out there. When in Kali I use Ice Weasel, which is technically firefox just with a different logo and name, and don’t go through the trouble on installing anything since it’s via usb.
Anywho, all time favorite is?
Drum Roll
Firefox :3