Any Kleptography enthusiasts?

Uh, I was reading a book (which in fact is the only one on the topic really) and there were some awkward statements about Russian spying over NSA protocols and such. It’s written by the inventors of kleptography as a matter of fact. I’m still to discover all the stuff around it. Let me find the link for the book. I barely grasp anything from it. Some of the algorithms are quite perplex and require a lot of time to go through entirely.
It does take time for our mind to get used to the picture specially when it comes to such field. However, for those who’d love to start cryptography basics, here’s Cryptography 101 that can get you suited:

I haven’t stumbled upon that site but it’s indeed about the basics. I personally started from here Anyway, have you read anything on quantum steganography? I don’t think it’s applicable though.
I haven’t dug that far yet, but I really loved your reference to Coursera! Have you learn a few other courses on there? Cause I’m thinking to enroll myself to one at some point. Networking and algorithms, even though I self-study them by reseraching here and there, have caught my attention on Coursera.

I am very interested in it. I am working on a degree in Pure Mathematics (won’t take any abstract math classes till next year). So I wouldn’t say I am specifically studying Cryptovirology, but more of the mathematical concepts and algorithms behind it.
Need help with math homework? Hit me up! I can help out with integral calculus and below.

[quote=author]Cause I’m thinking to enroll myself to one at some point. Networking and algorithms, even though I self-study them by reseraching here and there, have caught my attention on Coursera[/quote]
Well, they sooner or later get uploaded so I see no specific reason to enroll in case you can watch them afterwards as many times as you want.
I’m yet to start studying the mathematical concepts in the book, I’m rather concentrated on the abstract side of the notions illustrated there.
Yea, you have a point. Speaking of computer self-study, given that cryptology is not the only thing out there, I’m curious as to what field(s) in computer are you guys interested in? You could list them if possible so that other people might join the hive and become more influenced in learning more.
Mine would be:
[] Security
[] Networking
[*] Programming (focussing on C at the moment)
I can put up a compiled list if anyone needs reference related to those fields.

I personally aim to learn a few specific categories rather than go about learning little from everything as some people I know do. For instance, I don’t need to study low-level or any binary exploitation since I won’t need this anywhere. My current interests are in:
[] Web & Kernel security (additional for any of my future jobs)
[] Cryptography (just a passion)
[*] Since networking does come with programming so both networking and programming are on my list (that’s what I’m gonna study in university after all)
After the past few days solving challenges, I’ve realized how programming is significant.
Have you checked out ?
They’ve good pretty good summaries there.

Hey it’s Keeper!!!!!!! I thought I would never hear from you again!!!! Any back on subject, Keeper you have made me extremely interested in the topic and would like to learn more!! (btw sorry for spamming before i have stopped) And Keeper I have a question, were did you learn all of your hacking knowledge, I would like to learn a bit more myself ;)

try this website…