Can anyone tell me what BackTrack 5 is?
Don’t you think you can find out that from the web?
SSH! It’s a secret!
What is SSH? i saw somthing about that before when i was doing somthing with my Ipod… it said download this and SSH with your computer…
P.S. i have googled it, i just dont realy understand. can someone try explaining to me?
Yeah BackTrak 5 is here:
Forgot to mention: Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for secure data communication. :)
Oh, Thx, doesn’t really help but thanks for trying, ill go research it some more, see what i will find :D ~Tyler
SSH as in “shush”… not secure shell… pun not intended…
Yes, but is it able to break in to servers and stuff?
In itself no. You need someone using it too… ;)
Naturally there is no “big red button” that just “breaks in to servers and stuff”; you have to know how to use the tools too…
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