Is JS5 broken?
I have found out where the code is. But it IS more difficult to find and to read than it used to be. I doubt that @flabbyrabbit has accidentally merged all JavaScript code. :s
Hint: The prompt box is still there so the code must be still there.
11 years ago
Hi All,
This level has been fixed and also the code has been moved to some place else. Its not that hard to find the code. A use of Ctrl + F and entering the correct word to search will get you to the code once you find the place where the code is kept. This is way better than before.
11 years ago
Hi Nightdreamer,
Hint - use scratch pad available in mozilla Firefox or the console in google Chrome to check the code that you have got you will surely find the answer.
11 years ago
I don’t think it’s broken, just remember it’s only JavaScript. :)
11 years ago
It should become obvious eventually, I hope.
Not broken. Pretty hard to find.
Also, all the hint scripts found in other threads are not working anymore.So:
a = + "";
b = a.length;
c += ((5*10)*2);
d = String.fromCharCode(c,-(37-Math.floor(1806/13)),Math.sqrt(b-2)*27,(b*8)-36);
isn’t right anymore.
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