If any one could give some tips

Turis [turis]
11 years ago


Where should I look 4 inf about method; action; name ? (I’m changing all 3 of them and still I don’t know which one is wrong).

Maby there’s smth more hidden in level 3?

Any good fellows around? :)

? [stefanking56]
11 years ago


Well actually you are sending data to the page using POST method.Try editing the search bar to solve this level.Remember that you need to send a score higher than 194175 so i suggest sending something like 9999999999

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Hi turis,

There is an addon in Mozilla Firefox which will help you with this level.

Turis [turis]
11 years ago


Great! thanks king!, 1 step near.
Hi tlotr, I would like to manage this without addons :/
I think I have to make a break, its allready 5 hours I am doing that “easy” level. Maby -

- it’s wrong place I’m inspecting elements?
[deleted user]
11 years ago


Hi turis,

Yes there are other ways to complete this level without using the addon however I had completed it using the addon. I never tried completing this level without the addon. Maybe I should give it a try.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@stefanking56: The level briefing has been changed.
You needed a score of exactly 194175 to get top of the high-scores table.

You have already come to the right place.
- Action: It is very easy to guess. You are in Basic+ Level 3, changing the action to somewhere else won’t help you to solve this level.
- Name: The name of the parameter should be “score”.

11 years ago


I could never get the add-on method to work properly but I found many great hints on the “editing” method deeper in this forum. Hope that helps. :)

? [stefanking56]
11 years ago


@freewind1012 ahhhh yes,I didn’t notice that when i wrote my post
<form action="/search.php" method="get"> <input autocomplete="off" placeholder="Search: topic, user, article.." name="q"> <i class="icon-search"></i> </form>
look at the action attribute.Think where do you want to send the score.To what page?It surely isn’t “/search.php”
Look at the name.What are you sending to the page?You’re not surely sending “q”
And i think that you could change the method

11 years ago


Guys , need a bit help with basic+ 3 . How to change the score ? I read the hint and the forums but still not able to understand !!
Some basic guidelines please !!

[deleted user]
11 years ago


The post before yours is really helpful, what you do not understand?

11 years ago


where should i send the action ?? and how can i change the score ??

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I will try to answer your questions without giving a big spoiler ^^
The code above correspond to the search bar. The search bar actually allow you to get some informations from this website. Modifying the code above will allow you to send information to the website.
Try to modify the three things above, if you don’t know which page you want to send the information try all which cross your mind ;)

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@Abhi_hacker: If you didn’t understand anything after reading @stefanking56 ’s post, then try to learn HTML form. There’s another simpler method: PM someone who is willing to type step-by-step answer. But I am pretty sure that you won’t get anything after solving this level.

11 years ago


freewind1012 , easy buddy !!! You don’t need to be that rude because I didn’t ask anyone for a step by step answer. I can give you an explanation about what I meant by some guidelines but I don’t think that it is you or anyone else whom I need to give a clarification .
If I would want to PM someone , I would do that….I don’t need your permission or advice about it.
Help or no help , doesn’t matters , be respectful if you can.
And you know what , I am actually getting something after completing each level , something that you won’t understand and neither do I want to make you understand .

11 years ago


Sorry I forgot to thank you fkpuzat . I will try to do it as you said. Thank you for being so helpful !! :)

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


[quote=Abhi_hacker]Help or no help , doesn’t matters , be respectful if you can.[/quote]
As I told you: learn HTML form. That is as much as I can help. People tend to be attracted by details which they don’t want to see / to hear more than the main point itself.

I am always willing to explain every piece of code if you don’t understand and need helps. But “Show me the way to do this / to do that! (Because I read it somewhere and I want to know about it just for solving the level!)”? No.

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago



I have tried this so many times and its really knocked me down to size. All the levels up to now where easy for me as i understand the concepts well, however this one stopped me dead in my hasty tracks. :)

I understand the method and the action, but could not for the life of me figure out the name. Thanks to freewind1012, i now know the name. Sometimes the answer is so obvious but over thinking can cloud your mind.

I then kept trying to submit and it still would not work. Only then did i realized that while reading the forums, that i had got it into my head that the value has to be over 194175 when actually it had to be exactly 194175. In the words of the great and silly Homer Simpson… DOH!

It just goes to show that there is always room for human error. I have to remind myself to not scan over posts so quickly and actually soak it all up!

This post was merely to thank freewind1012 and the rest of you for opening my eyes… Thank you! :)

I am very happy that i have found HackThis!! Thanks to my little brother york for showing it to me.

(ps. I noticed that although i tried many times it has not registered my attempts. When i completed the level it said that i only attempted once. Just a heads up in case this is a bug.)

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Wallace-: It’s not your fault. The previous version of HT!! had this level and in that it was to submit the score higher than the number mentioned. However in this new version the level can be completed only when you submit the exact score.

10 years ago


tlotr: I figured that might be the case. However i should read the hints more carefully in future. Thank you for the vote of confidence :D

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