will i ever be able to change cash value

12 years ago


Don’t create many threads about the same issue, please.
It would seem to me that no-one here is really interested in that game of yours :(

12 years ago


yeah i think you can be any age to join , did you see anything else ?

12 years ago


damage i understand nobody may be interested in the game but i am and thts why im looking for help , to help somone do you have to benift or like what yur helping with isnt thats why its called help ? you want to kno what i think i think alot of people here are just like and and dont kno how to do anything i dont see it that everyone that reads post of people decides if they like a certain persons problem and holds there nose in the air if they dont

12 years ago


All I’m saying that finding exploitable bugs from a game that one isn’t interested is tedious at best. So if no-one is interested about the game then you are not likely get answers… Most of us have other things to do too, you know.

12 years ago


i do kno and respect that and if theres ever a time that you have time and its not to tedious and you have the knowledge could you plz help me for a minute and see if going tru all these lessons is going to help me with anything that im trying to do becus i couldnt tell you how long i have been away from the game getting behind and putting it off for this stupid quest that i kno people kno tricks for this that arnt that smart and are playing the game but just wont tell me

12 years ago


they have to know way sum how ,to changethere gold or value amount , skiping survays that pay gold to complete or changing there vlaue somthing they do i know they dont spend thousands in real cash for the money and they spend there money and pop up with new money all time and spend it with ease

12 years ago


im starting to look like a failure i am over one little stupid thing so sorry to be rude this was my last stop after months of yourube vids on zip files i cant open and people with generaters and cheat engines i cant figure out how to download letalone operate

12 years ago


hey i just got a furum post metal orite

12 years ago


ps thanks for the new word dmage exploitable bugs nice never new that one


hey… dont spam in this site dude -_-

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