help me for intermdiate level 4

11 years ago


hello i dont not succed this level could someone explain me in detail this level please (i m beginner)

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


did you read the other posts about this level?

11 years ago


yes i read the other post but i’m not arrive this level

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@dauphindiamant: You can try to solve aother levels. Just come back later. Maybe you will find a fresh mind to solve it.

[deleted user]
11 years ago



All you need to do is find a way to run this code <script>alert('HackThis!!');</script>.

11 years ago


tlotr yes but how shall we do it

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@dauphindiamant: There’re some of you always ask for the answer. You can easily search for several keywords on Google to earn 7000+ points and just forget this place. How about READING AND THINKING?

11 years ago


Very charming freewind.

@dauphindiamant By looking at your screen name , I’m going to make the wild assumption that English isn’t your first language and that you didn’t mean to directly ask for the answer.

As a hint …try playing around with <

[deleted user]
11 years ago



You need to fiddle with the script tag


11 years ago



yes the english isn’t my first language.I ’m french.thank you for helping me i m find something wich can helping me

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Best Hint i found for this level is:


If you think about what the filter exactly does and with this hint in mind this level wont be hard to solve.
Its only logic than, no knowledge about computers needed (IMO)

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Bare in mind what tags the filter detects and play about with the code. :D

11 years ago


Just make sure you know what exact part is filtered out and what that would leave you with.

11 years ago


That ‘undetected’ hint is really the bombshell for this level. >> Try splitting up the script tags (and i mean literally split them up)

11 years ago


ok, what is a script tag and how do you get this undetected message?

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


its a hint given earlier


you would have seen this hint if you would read whole forum …

and have a look at the level and youll now what the script tags are.

(you should also know due to your name ;) )

11 years ago


First of all try and understand what script tags are and wat are their uses and just put them in right places !! Then it might be a piece of cake for ya !
And don’t over think the concept I know this level is a pain in the ass but with some simple logic and by simple I mean really simple ! ?

11 years ago


Got it its

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@MrScriptX: Yeah, you are right. You should manipulate that tag to bypass the filter.

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


You want to say >> <script/> ??

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


You should put your post in spoiler tag, and you can easily know the answer to your question. How? Try yourself ;)

A script tag must have a start tag and an end tag, if you don’t know the syntax:


@paulau: If you didn’t put your post in spoiler tag, then don’t blame me for the negative karma.

11 years ago


i put spoiler :)

That’s a good way ?

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@paulau: I already took my negative karma back too. @fkpuzat ’s post is a good hint for you. ;)

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


on [/spoiler]

i wrote

that didnt work…

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@paulau: The editor in W3Schools is used for testing various front-end codes. The textarea in Intermediate Level 4 is used for taking inputs from HackThis!!’s users. They are different, hence the filters are different too.

You just can’t use the editor to test your code. @fkpuzat ’s hint focuses on the syntax, not anything else.

11 years ago


i just dont understand how to pass this level seriously…

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


There are 2 options now:
1/ Just move to another level. There are a lot of levels which you have not completed yet.
2/ In this thread, please read @0xDC ’s hint (keyword), @Zoino ’s hint (method), @fkpuzat ’s hint (additional information). You were near to the solution, then got lost in that good-for-nothing editor. :|

11 years ago


I’m totally confused i’m just gonna go back to my C and C++ learning. Thanks for trying to help.

10 years ago


Firstly, lets find in google how to bypass the filtre in website , this takes you to solve the level and discover many secrets of hacking,
like i did.


Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


@tichou: I don’t want to be rude but… are you sure about your skill?

10 years ago


I loved this level, it was fun! At first i was a little confused but when i read this,


I giggled a little, face palmed myself and moved along :D

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Yes that is the magic word. One look at that word and you should be able to complete this level.

10 years ago


Yes, its just a bypass. Putting something in something giving you the same thing. :)
It was a strange level, but not the strangest.

10 years ago


i think many people face palmed after solving this level ;)

10 years ago


so we must put the script on the script?

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Yeah paulau something like that. Remember the word undetundetectedected. All you need to do is apply the logic and you will get the answer. I love this word “fiddle”. Try and fiddle with it till you get what you want to pass this level.


@paulau: Welcome back! I hope you will solve Intermediate Level 4 this time. :p

10 years ago


need to start the script, put all script and put the end of first script?

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Don’t ask me. Try all cases.


This level plain and simple tried again and thought well

Mystery [kapuccino]
10 years ago


[quote=Mahmoud-Ghiaty]This level plain and simple tried again and thought well[/quote]
Are you sure about what you are talking?


yes I’m sure

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


[quote=Mahmoud-Ghiaty]yes I’m sure[/quote]
Said by someone who hasn’t completed the level. Don’t smoke something weird, dude.


Haha Yes, I am not out of this level, but my brother and I arrived aware of the solution

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Why is this thread still open?

10 years ago


cause i dont solved this level :‘(
If someone french, i need to have explanation on pm, not answers, explanation pleaaase :’( <3

10 years ago


Just keep playing with what you’re typing. Trust me, I actually completely understood how the level worked after I finished it.

And then I facepalmed.

10 years ago


theres no need for explanations. everything is already explained in previous posts. maybe not in plain words, but good enough

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


hey guys
when i tried to bypass the filtre in firefox 19 i get the message popup (HackThis!!) but don’t solve the level,

When i updated my firefox 19 to version 27 ,I tried the same method ??? but nothing happen –no message–



@tichou: As far as I remember, you have bragged about your hacking skill in page 3 of this thread. So keep improving it and you will surely complete this level. ;)

10 years ago


And remember the holy word for this level…..



10 years ago


guys please, someone explain how this works. i’m an electrician, not a programmer. i’ve read through the forums and i just don’t get it. i know, >> undeundetectedtected , don’t understand it either. this is really annoying and makes me want to kill someone. have tried 122 combinations so far and nothing works. i get the popup, but that’s not the idea, i know. how these filters work? links, explanations, anything else than the same old crap that’s in all the other threads.

10 years ago


I think i wrote this in the same thread, but here’s it:
Putting something in something giving you the same thing
now combine it with undetundetectedected and what you get?
And please no need to kill anyone!! ?

10 years ago


you’re not helping at all, dude. i asked explaining how these work and what’s a filter, you’re just repeating the same useless crap that’s all over the forum. i’m NOT a programmer, and i started using computers just 2 years ago, before that i barely knew how to turn them on. i really don’t know what’s what and what it does, and if i don’t understand it’s useless to repeat the the hints over and over again.

Mystery [kapuccino]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


@cekkonen: Why do we need to help you to understand what you may not understand forever? A filter is a filter, that’s all. Btw, it’s not a coffee filter.

Do you need me to give you a list of passwords? You can use it to earn 8000+ points and then leave.

10 years ago


no, i don’t want passwords, i want to know what this thing filters and how it does it. link something if you don’t want to explain it here.

Mystery [kapuccino]
10 years ago


I can’t give you a link with an image of a car or something like that. Filter is an abstract idea and you need a bit programming knowledge to know how it works. Do you know Regular Expression? That filter is a regular expression.

10 years ago


cekkonen Dude , stop getting hyper . You wanna learn something , search the forums . You get it , good , if not try using this -

Google .
And btw , you need to have a learner’s attitude , to learn anything !!
And if you are so desperate about the inside out about how the script runs , just tell us - What did you understand from the forums you have read pertaining to this ? Tell me this , and I will myself send you a PM explaining the working of the script !!

10 years ago


i already tried searching the forums and google, didn’t much help. the thing is, i don’t learn anything just reading a bunch of theory, but only trough examples and simply doing things myself. could you PM me a simple EXAMPLE on how this filter/bypass works? i’m not asking for a straightforward answer to this level, just a simple demonstration.

10 years ago


i dont think there is a simple example as this example already is quite simple.

If you dont learn by only reading theory you gotta change it for yourself. learn how to read the theory right or make it easy to understand for yourself. but thats something you got to do and nobody should do for you. its not only a lesson for this level but a lesson for all HackThis levels and also for your life.

[deleted user]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Man, this level posting is done to death. If people cant pass this level with what has been posted I think they should try another hobby.

Please close this level as there is no need for anymore information on this very simple level……..
Someone please close this before it grows into something you wouldn’t want in your breakfast bowl. lol :)

10 years ago


cekkonen , you didn’t understand anything , even after reading so many threads and googling . Thats really strange . :o
Okk , just tell me one thing , last thing I am asking you , before I explain you about the filter……
Can you tell me the syntax for a *script tag * ? .
Just answer me whatever you understand !!

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Hey Abhi_hacker, cakkonen wants you to sit him or her down a spoon feed them all the answers. I think that they should just bloody well read the posts. Some people will never learn no matter how much information they get fed! If they are a beginner, they need to read all the posts on this level. It is all there. :(

10 years ago


You are absolutely right there ANONRA . If he would have read nicely , he would have been able to connect all the hints in the forums and would have done the level !!
Right now , I want him to reply so that I understand how seriously he has read the forums and searched the google !! He has been crying from quite a long time , I want him to see that the mistake is on his part !!
Then we may get this thread closed !!

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Yes okay mate, I just get so pissed off with people who don’t even try. You know yourself I will help and guide anyone who at least tries to do the level but is stuck because of their lack of complete understanding of the hack. But sometimes I just can’t understand their thinking. I think I will go to bed now as I have work in the morning at 6am and it is now 2.24 here in the UK. Goodnight all!

10 years ago


Yaa buddy , I know you very well !! If I were to name some of the most cooperative members of the site , well for me , its like , the list starts with your name , ANONRA . And I can well name some more cooperative members right on my fingertips - Wallace- , tlotr , roun512 , Freewind1012 , IAmDevil and many more guys….. .
And yes , I know this thinking of his must be pissing you off…..cause its one thing to directly ask for answers and another thing to ask it indirectly . The second one being more troublesome .


poke @flabbyrabbit, poke @Osaka, poke @daMage for closing this thread.

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Freewind1012, aren’t you a moderator?

Oh wait, the heart means donator, right?

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


@qwerert: I am an elegant spammer. Moderator job is too much for me to handle. B)

Mystery [kapuccino]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago



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