Please help me on basic level 2 plz.
@chmosama: Read first, ask later. Basic+ Level 2
chmosama: There are other threads out there that will help you in getting the answer for this level. All you need to do is read those threads.
You should get it eventually. :) I hope.
It’s really not as hard as you may think it is. The username and password are practically right in front of you. :)
@InfiniteLoop: Basic+ Level 2 requires a special User Agent to get passed. You remembered something wrong.
Which browser are you using? It may be worth trying with something else.
@Josep5h: This level is not about browsers. In fact, all levels in HackThis don’t need a special browser to be completed. Just use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or whatever you want. This level requires a special User Agent.
@Josep5h: And did you even Google to know what is your so-called browser agent?
It worked for me.
And that’s not true. Basic+3 requires Firefox tamper data.
who talked about using TD for this level?
I*’m not talking about tamper data for this level. I said basic+3.
please close this thread now, as youve finished the level
Something to talk about in another thread (-> basic+ lvl 3 Threads)
As mentioned in Basic+ lvl 3 threads you needed TD before the update, not possible with TD after it anymore.
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