ok so i have figured out the first level of encryption but not the seconds level now i have no idea what to do, i opened this thread because the last one was closed :)

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


The second level of encryption uses a sort of a number system. Try manipulating the image (stretching/expanding) to get a better quality.

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


one more thing to add, even if you get a gay looking char in your answer … try it

11 years ago


Totally agree with ADIGA, its free to try anyway :)


Why don’t you try a music software like WAVOSAUR and adjust the pitch rate and frequency rate or something like that for that wave file to get a clue !!!
I tried it but I got no clues out of it !!
I guess If someone else try they can get the answer ………………………..


@ADIGA: Andddd that’s why I didn’t think it was the right answer.

Susan S [Trinity]
11 years ago


I can see the characters (won’t put them here) I can see the two layers but getting a bit bogged down. Must try harder!! :)

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Can someone recommend some software’s that can help in resolving this issue.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Hi Zoino,

What do you mean by “manipulating the image (stretching/expanding) to get a better quality”.

Is there an image hidden in the .wav file that I need to recover. Something like this. I might be completely wrong here.

11 years ago


You are on the right lines :)

11 years ago


gatting crazy here, found image, tried morse and mayan but no success plz help :(


I think there’s enough information to solve Crypt Level 6 in this thread. :p

11 years ago


the answer to solve Crypt Level 6 got so obvious now…. try read them again if you don’t get it.

11 years ago


watch old thread enough info to complete level .

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Is it Mayan numbering system the dots and dashes and what is that ? == to.


@tlotr: You should consider your post as spoiler.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


freewind1012 - I was thinking of putting it under spoiler then I thought it might not be a spoiler but I’ve made the changes.


i can not get the myan num system to work D;

11 years ago


What are you having trouble with?


i convert the the symbols into numbers with the mayan numbering chart and add the other text (dont wana spoil it and say the text) then it wont accept D;


@zLKidda: @flabbyrabbit added another hint yesterday.

The answer is not a word and does contain at least one special character.
That means it just a random string containing at least one special character.


yer i have seen it and i that me confused even more because my attempts fit that criteria


If it doesn’t work, it is wrong. :p

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Have a look at Keeper’s tutorial - Hybrid Multiple Layer Encryption, I think you will at least gain a clue from it.


I tried the mayan numeric a few times but it seems not work :(. And there is a special character, does it need to decrypt?

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@vna220792: Official hint:

The answer is not a word and does contain at least one special character.
That means it just a random string containing at least one special character.

And remember this: If it doesn’t work, it is wrong. :p

11 years ago


after you figure out the image, you have to do something else to the result you found before entering the password :)

11 years ago


feels free to send me ur result from the image. i will answer with yes and no, as i can remember it off by heart now….


@Kinghaw: Really? I don’t even remember that totally random string, lol.

11 years ago


not the answer, i mean the result after u solved the image :D


I’ve completed this level >:D<, we need one decoding step after we see the message in the audio file. :) The message contain at least one special character :)

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I found >> some numbers[/spoiler] but I still can’t find what I’m suppose to do with them. I understood that I have to [spoiler]translate them into letters with at least one special character but what is the method?

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@fkpuzat: How about doing something to get some food for thought? :p

Re-visiting Coding Level 2

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Is Crypt 6 somewhat similar to Coding 2? I haven’t completed either of those levels, and I doubt I will either. :/


@crypticvoid: Just food for thought, dude.

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Ok, cool.

Does Crypt 6 take long to complete?

Susan S [Trinity]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


crypticvoid said: Is Crypt 6 somewhat similar to Coding 2?
Answer …… Not really!

11 years ago


to cryptidvoid:
no it dont. Due to all the comments in Forum it became quite easy.
if you try yourself wout Forum itll probably take a bit.

11 years ago


Once you have your string of numbers that you decoded from the symbols you must use >> one of the most common decoding techniques to turn those numbers it into ascii characters

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


One thing at a time, lol. I’m still a newbie when it comes to steganography/cryptography. Thank you for your posts however. :) I’m sure I’ll find them useful. :D

Reply has been removed
[deleted user]
11 years ago


Then why does the level say it uses basic steganography techniques? I’m lost. From one of Keeper’s forums, I think I understand the frequency analysis bit, I THINK… :P

11 years ago


oh sry just was mixing up smth. :D

everything you do need for this level is mentioned in posts before :D

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Ok then, thank you. :)

11 years ago


I think there are plenty of hints to complete this level now. I would recommend closing this thread.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I hope that wasn’t directed at me, because I didn’t start the thread lol. But I agree, there’s enough hints.

11 years ago


No, this wasn’t directed at you at all, it was just a general statement. This thread is getting very long, and as i said there are plenty of hints to complete the level by now.


Now what this thread is missing is the string itself, lol.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Well, despite all the hints, I’m still not fully catching on, so lol. :D

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Hi crypticvoid this one should be able to be passed using all the hints so far like Zoino said but you might be trying too hard and missing the point. A nice bit of software to use is WavePad Sound Editor try manipulating the sound. I can’t really tell you anymore as it would be a 100% spoiler and I’d get slapped by Flabby, ADIGA or one of the moderators. The answer is all here in these forum posts.

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Hi, I’ve picked up this:

The answer is NOT a word, but a random string with at least ONE special character

And also to use a editing software to modify the sound file, I have WavePad but I downgraded it after I used up the trial, so I’m searching for another program. I don’t think I’m missing the point now lol. :D

I’m trying to install Wavosaur, I chose the custom install, there’s an optional package, but there is no Decline button, only next, back and cancel, I do not want to install the package, only Wavosaur, what do I do? There’s no check box either. :/

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@crypticvoid: Are you kidding me? Now you ask us how to install softwares on your computer?

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Dude chill out, I installed it, but I didn’t want to install the optional package, and there was no decline button. No, I am not “kidding” you. Did you read correctly?

Susan S [Trinity]
11 years ago


Hey crypticvoid, just install it all and if there is part you don’t really want the just uninstall that part. Nothing lost, nothing gained except for what you wanted in the first place and by the way the version I have of WavePad is free to non comercial users. okay? :)


So someone said “Use this software! Use that software!” and you chose to use, right? No one recommended it from the start. Read this thread.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Yeah I just installed all of it, lol. Hmm, ok.

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


FW for fuck sake, will you give it a rest? Just because you’ve completed the level and I haven’t doesn’t mean you can jump down my throat, give it a fucking rest. Excuse me for installing a bit of software…


Fine. I shouldn’t post anything in this thread any more. You just purely want to solve this level, not to learn anything.

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


That’s not true. I do want to learn. It’s just people like you who make things difficult. Why don’t you just STFU and let me get on with it instead of jumping to conclusions? Stop acting like a b*tch too.

My profile says:
[quote=CrypticVoid]I love computers very much. I want to understand as much as there is, from hardware to software and so forth.[/quote]

Susan S [Trinity]
11 years ago


Now now boys please calm down its only a game really. No need to get upset. Please have a nice day and merry Christmas when it comes around :)

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Ok, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t be upset if FW wasn’t so annoying. Anyway, I hope you have a nice day too, and a Merry Christmas when it arrives. :D

11 years ago


Like i said… this thread should be closed….

Susan S [Trinity]
11 years ago


Hey zoino I’m not being an ass or anything like that but don’t you think it is the moderators place to close a thread? After all you have only been on here for 10 months yourself. :)

11 years ago


My point being that this thread is turning into an argument :L nothing to do with experience.

Susan S [Trinity]
11 years ago


I know what you mean and as far as I am concerned there is no argument so we might leave it to that okay?

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


I wasn’t trying to be an ass either, I was pissed off at that moment, and I do apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused. :) Perhaps Flabby may decide to close the thread shortly.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


zLKidda: Please close this thread. Since you have started it you have the option to close it as well.

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@ tlotr

that first post on second page was most definitely a spoiler… it did cut down on my time a lot and i also learned something new (those guys were smarter than the romans)

11 years ago


enough spoilers in here now. if you read the whole post youll probably be able to solve level in max half an hour. Thats why this post should be closed until sb even makes it easier.

this is not about points or saying “i solved this and that” its about learning something and especially Cypted levels are for thinking. Not for easy solving

Susan S [Trinity]
11 years ago


I agree it should be closed as it has been banging on now for some time and like Zoino, tlotr and Statey says enough is enough! :)

Susan S [Trinity]
11 years ago


Hi tlotr hope you are good? :)

11 years ago


Pff looking back on this level it wasn’t that hard, just need to not over think it like I was……..
Thanks for some good hints

I would not have found the Mayan Number system thing

Anyways finished all levels now :D, this was the last.

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